History of Latin America

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Topics: History of Latin America

5 documents,

Pain and Rage of Salvador. (1981)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:34 to collection C 8/29/2015

Film about the Republic of El Salvador, created on the basis of foreign chronicles.

Latin America (Politics) | History of Latin America | Foreign policy | Policy | History of foreign countries | History

We Shall Win With Intelligence And Strength (Give Your Shoulder To The Motherland).. (1982)

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Documentary, 4 parts, Duration: 0:38:52 to collection C 8/28/2015

The film is dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the Chile Young Communist Organization, it tells about young communists' struggle for new life.

A new edition has been supplemented with film material.

Foreign policy | History of Latin America | Policy | History of foreign countries | History

The Secret of Buenos Aires.. (1988)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:10 to collection C 4/15/2014

The film about Argentina, about the consequences of a military dictatorship in the country and about the violent attacks waged by international banks and transnational corporations.

History of Latin America | History of foreign countries | History

Peru - one thousand and three years.. (1972)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 1:00:37 to collection C 11/14/2012

The film is about one of the countries in Latin America - Peru, about today's life of the country, about first reformations by the revolutionary military government.

Historical note
In this paper, the film was attended by representatives of the company Amauta Lima (Peru).

History of Latin America | History of foreign countries | History

Freedom Has Emerged and Grown Up.. (1984)

Title image

Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 0:58:54 to collection C 11/10/2012

Describes the formation and development of the Republic of Cuba.

Latin America (Politics) | History of Latin America | Foreign policy | Policy | History of foreign countries | History

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