The School On Bryanskaya Street.. (1994)

Film-document №10010 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:52 to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:58

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Gekker E.

Script writers: Gekker E.

Operators: Kuznecov I.


The story of the Moscow school number 637, which granted the status of school-high school.

Education | Childhood and youth

Social life

Reel №1

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Moscow, school-high school number 637 named after Admiral N.G.Kuznetsov.

A fragment of a school concert.

Address of school.

September 1, 1994-year.

In the courtyard of the school going children with bouquets of flowers.

Director-General welcomes students and parents.


On the school told the parents and high school students.

The first call.

Children go to school.

First-come into the class.

Those students.

Teacher V.I.Kalinina.

Teacher N.I.Sokolova.

November 22, 1994, fragment sessions with first-graders N.I.Sokolova.

Lesson of informatics for 2nd class.

High school students in the classroom of computer science.

Physics lesson in the classroom S.V.Mihaylov.

Tells S.V.Mihaylov.

Additional special class sessions, behind the scenes S.V.Mihaylov answers the questions of the journalist, talks about the final and entrance exams.

Lesson of geometry in the classroom V.Ya.



01.09.1994 22.11.1994





Reel №2

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There is a teachers' council.

Headmaster S.B.Agronova.

On board there S.V.Mihaylov, V.I.Kalinina, N.I.Sokolova.

Bryanskaya street.

View of the school building.

Children playing in the yard.

Tells S.B.Agronova.

S.B.Agronova and E.V.Fedyanina head teacher and check the information on the stands.

S.B.Agronova a lesson.

Open the door to the classroom.

The classes are learned.

Children run up the stairs.

The children gather backpacks.

Teacher talking to student.

S.B.Agronova notebook checks.

Duty sweep the corridor.

After-school care in the dining room.

Children at a drawing lesson.

High school students bring to the classroom a new bookcase.

Teachers and students in the hallway.

Teens playing guitar and synthesizer.

Late in the evening, in the windows of the school lights on.

An empty school corridor.

The lesson of the Russian language in the classroom E.B.Gavrilova.

An empty school corridor.

Doors music class.

Singing lesson.

Children listen and discuss Glinka opera "Ivan Susanin" ("Life for the King").

Drawing lesson.

Music therapy for children at the music lesson.

Kids rest between lessons.

Students talk about school subjects.

Calling a lesson, N.I.Sokolova leads children to class.

Teenagers near a window.

High school students are collected in a class of younger students.

The lesson of literature in the classroom E.B.Gavrilova, behind the scenes the teacher tells about the problems of the school.

N.I.Sokolova in the classroom.

Lesson in the correctional group.







Reel №3

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Lesson typing.

The alternation of fragments of lessons of work for girls and boys.

The lesson of history in the classroom G.N.Tarusina.

After the lesson, the students talk to the teacher perform tasks, behind the scenes G.N.Tarusina talks about children.

Group day care.



Lesson in the correctional group.

T.F.Bakulina at the table.

Children in the classroom of computer science.

S.V.Mihaylov at the blackboard.


Ostrovsky talking with a colleague on the reverse.

Meeting teachers' meeting.


School children in the railway carriage with G.N.Tarusina.

Railroad tracks.


Students and teachers in the railway carriage.

View train.

Children on tour in New Jerusalem Monastery.

Children and teachers in the forest.

View of the monastery from the road.

Students congratulated teachers.

Children are told that the school means to them.

He tells trainee K.L.Finaryova.

Preparing for school holidays.

S.B.Agronova with children.

Parents talk about teachers.

Bouquets of roses.

The documents on the table.

At the microphone Director S.B.Agronova.

Applause students.

Graduation maturity graduates.

At the ceremony there N.I.Sokolova, V.I.Kalinina and other teachers at the school, behind the scenes sound N.I.Sokolova`s farewell.

A fragment of a school concert.

Children are thrown balloons.




Moscow region

