Daily News / A Chronicle of the day 1957 № 33

Film-document №10444 1 part, Duration: 0:10:25, Black-white to collection Price category A
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Part 1 0:10:13

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Soloveva N.

Operators: Aslanov G., Gusev S., Leongardt U., Maksimov L., Solovev N.


Different subjects.

Reel №1

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1. The Return of the GDR party and government delegation of the USSR. First Secretary of the Communist Party Nikita Khrushchev speaks at a rally at the Sports Palace in Moscow after the return of the delegation.

2. Extraction of oil shale mining in Estonia.

3. Entrance exams at the Moscow Road Transport Institute.

4. Tests of a new electric car builders Riga on one of the railways in the suburbs.

5. Emergency fishing boat "Artemneft" goes to the fault duct that crosses the Caspian Sea.

Diver PM Kasatonov at sea.

6. Pastoralists deer farm "Hero of Labour" Magadan look after deer.

7. Kind of a new bridge across the Dnieper River in Kiev.

8. Hungarian army officers - participants in the struggle with the rebels in October, 1956 - walk in the streets of Moscow in the days of the VI World Festival of Youth.

9. Yugoslavia.

The opening of the monument to the fallen heroes and victims of Nazism in the village of Maly Grarich in Croatia (Yugoslavia).

10. President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, on a visit to Poland, to make excursions in the city of Gdansk.

11. Departure from Moscow to the VI World Festival of Youth and Students.