Daily News / A Chronicle of the day 1957 № 40

Film-document №10451 1 part, Duration: 0:10:25, Black-white to collection Price category A
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Part 1 0:10:12

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Veyland B.

Operators: Korovkin U., Lebedev O., Maksimov L., Fedyaev E., Khodyakov V., Sher B.


Different subjects.

Reel №1

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1. The meeting in the Hall of Columns, dedicated to the 8th anniversary of the proclamation of the People's Republic of China: Ambassador Liu Hsiao favor the attendees, among those present, Anastas Mikoyan, EA Furtseva, Mikhail Suslov, the other official person.

2. The plot tells of books devoted to the 40 th anniversary of the October Revolution, the release of a new print book titled "told members of the Great October." Authors of articles in the collection give interviews (synchronously).

3. Types of streets, industrial enterprises in Novokuibyshevsk; school building; Novokujbyshevsk woman, mother of 4 twins MA Pribytkova talking with children.

4. Members of the delegation of the Socialist Party of Japan, visiting the farm, livestock farm "Terezino" Ukrainian SSR.

5. Members of the Agriculture of the Finnish delegation visiting the maize in VDNH in Moscow.

6. Opening of the new stadium named after VI Lenin in Khabarovsk.

7. Exhibition and demonstration of Italian fashion in Kyiv: girls demonstrate a dresses, young men - men's suits.

8. Moments of cycling in the city of Lviv, which brings together children from 3-ex up to 7 years.

9. Residents of the port city of Latakia in Syria, welcomed the Soviet warships of the Baltic Fleet "Zhdanov" and "Free", arrived on a friendly visit to Syria.