Daily News / A Chronicle of the day 1959 № 23

Film-document №10717 1 part, Duration: 0:08:03, Black-white to collection Price category A
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Part 1 0:08:02

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Setkina I.

Operators: Bogorov A., Krylov A., Levitan A., Mukhin E., Rymarev D., Staroschuk N.


Different subjects.

Temporary description

City of Tirana. The rally in the square in honor of the party and government delegation of the USSR. On the platform members of the Government of Albania, headed by E. Hodge, the members of the Soviet delegation, headed by Nikita Khrushchev. Speakers: E. Hodge, Nikita Khrushchev. The people on the square. City of Moscow. Conference of the International Aeronautical Federation in the Hall of Columns. Federation President Jean Cochran gives the designer AN Tupolev gold medal. City Prokopevsk. New Palace of Sports. Training athletes. The city of Gorky. Regional Exhibition of Folk artists. Works of masters from Khokhloma: spoons, ladles, toys. Visitors to the exhibition. Kyrgyzstan. Incubator at ptitsezavode. Female ptitsezavoda. Chickens in poultry house. Leningrad. Shop Machinery Plant. Worked as a mechanic Demin. Train in motion. Passengers sleep in the compartment. The operator's cab. Machinist VN Meshack, who prevented a train wreck, risking their lives at home, in the cab of the locomotive.

Reel №1

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1. City of Tirana.

The rally in the square in honor of the party and government delegation of the USSR. On the platform members of the Government of Albania, headed by E. Hodge, the members of the Soviet delegation, headed by Nikita Khrushchev.

Speakers: E. Hodge, Nikita Khrushchev.

The people on the square.

2. City of Moscow.

Conference of the International Aeronautical Federation in the Hall of Columns.

Federation President Jean Cochran gives the designer AN Tupolev gold medal.

3. City Prokopevsk.

New Palace of Sports.

Training athletes.

4. The city of Gorky.

Regional Exhibition of Folk artists.

Works of masters from Khokhloma: spoons, ladles, toys.

Visitors to the exhibition.

5. Kyrgyzstan.

Incubator at ptitsezavode.

Female ptitsezavoda.

Chickens in poultry house.

6. Leningrad.

Shop Machinery Plant.

Worked as a mechanic Demin.

7. Train in motion.

Passengers sleep in the compartment.

The operator's cab.

Machinist VN Meshack, who prevented a train wreck, risking their lives at home, in the cab of the locomotive.

8. Theater "Romen" in Moscow.