Soviet Sport 1977 № 4 Generational change. Olympic hope. Jump. On the slopes Cheget.

Film-document №13263 1 part, Duration: 0:09:47, Black-white to collection Price category A
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Part 1 0:09:47

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Artseulov O.

Operators: Gorbatskiy V., Petrosov R., Solovev N., Tseslyuk V., Artseulov O., Kagan I.


1. Seeing the big sport of gymnastics L. Turishcheva. Competitions in gymnastics at the prize of the newspaper Moscow News. 2. The final swim at the traditional international sovrevnovaniyah strongest swimmers in Europe and America. 3. High jump. 4. Training skiers on the slopes Cheget.

Temporary description

1syuzh. - Gymnast L. Tourischeva in training. Speech gymnasts N. Filatova. 2syuzh. -World Swimming Championships in Leningrad. The new record Bogdanova Yu. 3syuzh. - Grigoriev sets new European record in high jump for the rooms. 4syuzh. -National Championship downhill skiing in the Terek.

Reel №1

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Translation: Russian> English

1. Multiple world champion and Olympic champion in gymnastics L. Turishcheva passes on the dais at the Palais des Sport in Luzhniki, stands before the audience with words of farewell.

Listen to the audience.

Pictures of the reporter.

Stand young gymnasts - member of International competitions in gymnastics at the prize of the newspaper Moscow News.

Honored trainer of the USSR V. Rostorotsky in the hall.

Stands a young student Rostorotskogo N. Shaposhnikov - unsuccessful performance on the beam.

N. Shaposhnikov and AV Rastorotsky after unsuccessful performance.

L. Turishcheva among female athletes.

Coach V. Rastorotsky with his student L. Turishcheva.

N. Shaposhnikov performs floor exercise.

L. Turishcheva monitors performance Shaposhnikova.

Applauding audience.

Are being prepared by M. Filatov.

M. Filatov does vault.

Score on the scoreboard, "9.60".

Speech by M. Filatova on the uneven bars.

Judges of the competition.

M. Filatov completes performance on the uneven bars, leaving from the platform.

The emblem of the tournament.

Parade participants.

2. Athletes jump into the water.

To start are athletes.

Before the swim warm up a young athlete Y. Bogdanov and Olympic champion in Moscow leader.

Swimming women's 100 meters breaststroke style - start; athletes on the course and the first finish Y. Bogdanov.

Yu Bogdanov, is congratulated on his victory.

3. High jump and pole vault without a pole - different plans.

Athlete Grigoryev on training with a coach.

Jumping Grigoriev.

Set the bar on the scoreboard figure "2.28".

Unsuccessful attempt to jump Grigoriev.

Looking girl fans.

Standing national champion in pole vaulting V. Trofimenko.

Scoreboard "5.50".

V. Trofimenko prepares to jump, jumps, takes a record high.

Supporters applaud and shout.

A. Grigoriev, jumping, overcomes a height of 2 meters 28 centimeters.

Coaches are watching the performance Grigoriev.

Grigoryev held after the performance.

4. Spring landscape Elbrus.

Skiers on the basis of Terskol.

On the stone sits a cat.

Skiers in the lift.

USSR Champion in Alpine skiing Andreev and strongest country skier N. Patrakeeva pass; talk, sit in a chair lift up the mountain.

Mountain landscape with movement.

Skiers prepare to descend, descend from the mountain, falling into a skier on the course.

Athlete clean skis.

Y descent are skiers: Andreev, V. Tsygankov, Sorokin, V. Makeev and A. Kuznetsov.

Athletes descend from the mountains.