Soviet warrior 1978 № 5
1 part, Duration: 0:10:08, Black-white
Price category C
1syuzh. - The Young Communists in the corridors of the Palace of Congresses. I. Chepourin. Komsomol leader of one of the mouth, for the work. Performers are Leonid Brezhnev, BN Pastukhov, AI Kornienko, AA Epishev. Welcome warriors. 2syuzh. - Vladivostok. Port. Brezhnev descends on board the cruiser. Ships during exercises. Brezhnev appears in the mess. Supports the commander. 3syuzh. - Along the PCB are border guards. Naval ships at sea. Captain of the second rank Soin on the ship "Pearl". The team on deck. The sailors in the forecastle. Soviet sailors on board the wrongdoing. 4syuzh. - Are hugging and veterans. Sailors congratulate veterans. Chronicle: people in the Victory Day, salute. Laying of wreaths at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Artillery salute.Temporary description
1syuzh. - Young Communists in the lobby of the Palace of Congresses. I. Chepurin. Komsomol leader of one of the companies, at work. Playing Brezhnev, B. Pastukhov, AI Kornienko, AA Epishev. Greeting soldiers. 2syuzh. - Vladivostok. Port. Brezhnev down aboard the cruiser. Ships during exercises. Brezhnev acts mess. Acts commander. 3syuzh. - Along the PCB are the border guards. Navy ships in the sea. Soin captain second rank on the ship "Pearl." The team on the deck. Sailors in the forecastle. Soviet sailors on the ship-intruder. 4syuzh. - Pass and embrace veterans. Sailors congratulate veterans. News: the people in the Victory Day salute. Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Artillery salute.