Pioneerhood 1978 № 5

Film-document №13429 1 part, Duration: 0:10:00, Black-white to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:51

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Zhukovskaya I.

Operators: Sokolnikov L., Skachkov I., Vilesova R.

Temporary description

1syuzh. - Olga Orlova, looks at the Red Square with the other girls on the train. Pioneers of the counselor and teacher at work in the school museum. Olya in the classroom with the pioneers. The building of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Komsomol in the palace. O. Orlova at the XVIII Congress of the Komsomol. Says Olga. 2syuzh. - The printer prints the newspaper. Meeting detachment yunkorov. Yunkor in one of the departments of the school plant. A girl weaving a carpet. Yunkor asks turner; for collated footage. 3syuzh. - The street is a boy with a dog. Veterinarians in visitors from the animals. Doctor in the office inspects the dog, cat, fox, and so veterinary help is going to call.

Reel №1

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