Pioneerhood 1978 № 9
1. Students from different regions of the USSR remember the summer holidays spent for the benefit of society. 2. Work ornithologists in the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve. 3. A set of children in the Song and Dance Ensemble behalf V.S.Lokteva at the Moscow Palace of Pioneers.Reel №1
1. The plot of "What you tell the school?".
The first of September, solemn line in the school yard.
Pupils of all ages, teachers with flowers.
Senior carries on his shoulder a first-grader with a bell.
Children in the classroom Zoology show herbarium.
Bryansk region, Village school forestry.
Students in the form of foresters go through the woods.
The children plant trees, check with a spruce young forester.
Children on the drawing lesson.
Crimea, plantation spray roses.
Girl talks about roses (voice-over).
Students collect flowers roses bushes, carry bags.
Children at their desks writing presentation.
Transcarpathia, summer camp "Prolesok" river, mountain, forest.
Children in a forest glade collect useful plants.
Forester holds a fawn.
Children in the box next to the driver.
Pupils hay rake, weed beds.
Pupils at their desks writing in notebooks. 2. The plot of "In the Black Sea Reserve."
Black Sea Biosphere Reserve.
Seascape, reeds.
On the banks of herons, swans, cormorants, gulls.
The reserve are men.
In the grass bird's nest with eggs.
Ornithologists measure centimeter bird eggs, the eggs were weighed in the balance.
Chicks in the nest in the grass.
Ornithologists ring birds.
Swans float.
Cormorants on the beach.
Migratory flocks on reserve. 3. The plot of "I want to have an ensemble."
Moscow Palace of Pioneers, Song and Dance Ensemble behalf V.S.Lokteva.
There is a set of children in the ensemble, listening (synchronously).
Boy examines the artistic director of the ensemble Alexey S. Ilyin (synchronously).
Photos from the choir's performances: children singing, dancing.
Girl takes notes, sings (synchronously).
Boy sings "eaglet, eaglet, Soar above the sun" (synchronous).
Children on chairs listening.
Teacher fills the paper, the girl waits.
The teacher communicates with the boy-singer (synchronously).
Girl playing the balalaika.
Boy playing the accordion.
Ballet class, the teacher checks stretching girls at the bench.
Five year old girl dancing.
Fragment of performance dance group of the ensemble.
Bryansk region
Education; Geography and Nature; Childhood and youth; Culture and Arts Social life