Soviet Sport 1979 № 6 On the Olympic track. Horses and riders. Sails on the Bay. Tallinn. We love gymnastics.
. International Race for the prize of the newspaper Trud. 2. Coach Equestrian AA Zhagora. 3. Training sailors in Sevastopol Bay. 4. Preparation in Tallinn for the yachting regatta of the XXII Olympiad. 5. The coach's gymnastics E. SaadiTemporary description
1 syuzh. - Start participants of the international marathon. Athletes run through the streets of Moscow. Buildings along the route: "Ukraine" hotel, Moscow State University, Grand Sports Arena. Supporters welcomed the athletes. Finish. Award winners. 2 syuzh. - The herd of horses stables them. Kirov. Coach AA Zhagora. Personnel old newsreels from the horse's performances Ashes. Employees of the plant showed the ashes. Says Zhagora. Jockey looks after the horse under the guidance Zhagorova. 3 syuzh. - Yachts in the bay. Sailors. 4 syuzh. - The streets of Tallinn. Construction of new hotels, the Olympic village, beach resorts. Models of the airport and the sailing center. Yacht Construction for the Olympic regatta. 5 syuzh. - The coach-gymnast children's sports specialist school society "Dynamo" Elvira Saadi. Training doshkolnits led Saadi. Conversations with children, correction of errors students. Said Mr. Saadi.Reel №1
1. Home Parties International Race.
Athletes run through the streets and embankments of Moscow.
Building of Moscow: Hotel "Ukraine", the White House building at Moscow State University Lenin Hills, a gym, "Friendship", Grand Sports Arena at Luzhniki - filmed with motion.
Olympic emblem on the stand.
Participants run at a distance - different plans.
The group leaders run running marathon Penzin and A. Aryukov.
A. Aryukov finish first.
Finish Penzin.
A. Aryukovu award prizes.
2. In Salsk steppes grazed a herd of horses stud Kirov.
Coach A. Zhagora and livestock from the herd.
Courtyard stud horse deduce the Ashes, which acted rider E. Petushkova.
E. Zhagora feeds Ashes.
Newsreel 1970.:
E. Petushkova to Ashes stands at competitions in dressage.
Viewing audience.
E. Petushkova handed a medal.
Interview A. Zhagorova (synchronously).
The jockey goes round the horse, falls from a horse.
A. Zhagora coached riders at the Rostov hippodrome.
Riders work out the elements of jumping - different plans.
A foal in a meadow.
Grazing in a herd of horses.
The jockey goes round the horse looks A. Zhagora.
3. Yachts in the sea.
Sailors during training - different plans.
4. Landing stage at the Tallinn port.
The streets of Tallinn are pedestrians, a woman buying flowers.
The building is under construction hotels.
The layout of airports, sailing center.
The building of the Olympic Sailing Centre.
Interior room for the athletes in the Olympic village in Tallinn.
Works Surveyor.
Construction of beach resort for guests of the Olympiad.
Estonian shipbuilders prepare yachts "Finn" for the Olympians.
Yachts in the sea.
5. Honored Master of Sports, coach children's sports school society "Dynamo" E. Saadi talks to the girls gymnasts.
Photos speeches E. Saadi in the championships.
E. Saadi is engaged in a gym with a little gymnast.
In the gym the young gymnasts train on a trampoline, on the rings.
E. Saadi talks about his coaching job (synchronously).
E. Saadi deals with the gymnasts doshkolnitsami Bazhenova Tanya and Tanya Yatkevich - girls perform exercises on a log, on the carpet.
E. Saadi at home with his chest daughter.
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