Soviet warrior 1979 № 4
1 part, Duration: 0:09:57, Black-white
Price category C
1 syuzh. - Battalion commander, Port Arthur Regiment Trans-Baikal Military District Captain PE Plohotnyuk at the gym, the exercises at the firing range. Battle doctrine. 2 syuzh. - The life and combat training of military personnel of the calculation of the XYZ part of the Turkestan Military District (Russian V. Hops, Uzbek O. Rakhimov, Singatulin F. Tatar, Kazakh B. Utulbaev, Turkmen A. Agayev). Classroom. Dismissal. Visiting other. Battle doctrine. 3 syuzh. - Sergeant N. Maguey - an instructor car driving one of the divisions of the railway troops to train soldiers. Arrived at the farm holidays "Radyanski Carpathians in Ukraine. Carpathians. Meeting with the family, with the collective farmers. 4 syuzh. - Tourist base CSKA "Terskol" at the foot of Mount Elbrus in Baksan Valley. Charging. Skiers. Mountain landscape.Temporary description
1 syuzh. - The battalion commander Port Arthur Regiment Transbaikal Military District Captain PE Plohotnyuk in class at the gym, at the exercises on the firing range. Military exercises. 2 syuzh. - The life and combat training of the personnel of the operational crew H-ray part of the Turkestan Military District (Russian B. Hops, Uzbek G. Rakhimov, F. Singatulin Tatar, Kazakh B. Utulbaev, Turkmen A. Agayev). Classroom training. Dismissal. Visiting a friend. Military exercises. 3 syuzh. - Sergeant N. Maguey instructor driving cars one of the divisions of the railway troops to train soldiers. Arrived on holiday on the farm "Radyanski Carpathians" in Ukraine. Carpathians. Meeting with the family, with the farmers. 4 syuzh. - Tourist base CSKA "Terskol" at the foot of Mount Elbrus in Baksan Valley. Charging. Skiers. Mountain landscape.