Master 2002 № 2 1000 degrees Celsius.

№14859 1 part, Duration: 0:09:09 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 0:09:26

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Uralskaya I.

Operators: Uralskaya I.


On the work of a man with fire and iron - for the blacksmith.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The field passing rider on horseback, burning grass - LS., PNRM.

In the smithy hanging wheel - CU.

Part wheel carved in the forge - CU.

Forged products in the forge - CU.

Hang tools blacksmith at the forge - CU.

In enclose coal stove - CU.

Tools in the forge - CU.

Poker prevent the coals in the stove - CU.

Devices for forging - CU.

Swing forged products to the wall - CU., PNRM.

Spinning drive wheel hammer - CU.

Embers in the stove - CU.

On the floor are different blanks, tools - CU.

Hands take out red-hot tongs billet from the furnace to the forge - CU.

Spinning drive wheel hammer - CU.

PNRM. Hammer on the anvil - CU.

The wall with the battery in the forge - MS.

A horse's hoof beats - MS., PNRM.

Foot on the arm of a blacksmith's hammer - CU.

Face blacksmith Cyril Nevzorov, the lamp in the forge - CU.

PNRM. logging in on a hot stove, the fire - CU.

Hands in the smithy corrected coals in a furnace - MS.

Spinning wheel in the forge - CU.

Hang tools in the forge is a blacksmith - CU.

Smith fit the anvil - LS.

Blacksmiths banging hammers on preparation - CU.

Journeyman Andrew Lichman for forging - CU.

The hand with the hammer strikes the anvil - CU.

Horse shakes his head - CU.

Cyril Nevzorov in the smithy at work - CU.

The shadow of the hammer on the wall - MS.

Shadows on the wall in the forge - MS.

Sparks of fire in the oven - CU., PNRM.

Pliers hold the workpiece, hammer blows - CU.

Embers in the stove - CU.

Cyril Nevzorov the work - CU.

Horse head - CU., Photographed from

Cyril Nevzorov the work - MS.

The fire in the stove.

Cyril pulls the workpiece is to the hammer and begins to strike - CU., PNRM.

Moving the workpiece - CU.

Hammer - CU.

Cyril face - CU.

Hammer - CU.

Detail on the anvil flies' cap »- CU.

Andrei's face Lichman - CU.

Hammer - CU., PNRM. blacksmiths

Sparks - CU.

The red-hot billet on the anvil, the beginning of forging - CU.

A hammer on preparation - CU., PNRM.

Cyril for forging - CU.

Billet pull out of the oven - CU.

Cyril puts a piece on the anvil - LS.

The red-hot billet, a hammer blow - CU., MS.

Horseshoe nails the hand to the horse's hoof - CU.

Hammer blows on the workpiece - CU.

Hand nailing a horseshoe to the hoof of a horse - CU.

The hammer has a blank on the anvil - CU.

Hand horse shoe nails - CU.

A hammer on preparation - CU.

The face of a blacksmith - CU.

Hammer blows on the workpiece - CU.

Cyril face - CU.

Attempts on the workpiece on the anvil - CU.

Fire in the furnace, the blank face of a blacksmith - CU.

Attempts on the workpiece, the hand puts the hammer on the anvil - CU.

Hang tools in the forge - CU.

Cyril at work in the forge - CU.

Bring a hot preform is placed in the oven - CU.

Andrew prevents coals in a furnace - MS.

Poker hand prevents the coals in the oven - MS., CU.

Work on the metal hammer - MS.

Hands choose shoe - MS.

Andrei's face, Andrew takes a step to the stove - CU.

Breathing horse, steam from the nostrils - CU., Photographed from

Andrew lights a charcoal from the stove - MS.

Powered flywheel hammer - CU., PNRM. a blacksmith

Sneaked blank nail smoke - CU.

Tools in the forge - CU.

Hammer on the anvil - CU.

Blacksmith forges - CU.

Nail on the anvil, blacksmith pounding a nail - CU.

Punches smith - CU.

Andrew forges - CU.

Strikes a nail smiths, forging - CU.

Smiths - MS., Photographed from

Strikes the nail on the anvil - CU.

Cyril works - CU.

Andrew works - CU.

The fire in the stove, Andrew gets hot nail - CU.

Strikes the nail on the anvil - CU.

Smiths - CU., MS., Photographed from

Andrei's face - CU.

Cyril face - CU.

Andrew forges - CU.

Nail on the anvil, hammer blows - CU.

Struck with a hammer in his hands - CU.

Smiths - CU., MS.

Andrew at work - CU.

The nail is made in the oven - CU.

Cyril at work - CU.

Strikes the nail on the anvil - CU.

Cyril face - CU.

Hand throws powder on the nail head - CU.

Cyril face - CU.

Cyril has a nail, hammer puts, departs with a nail in his hand - CU.

The hand holds a red-hot pliers and nail down the barrel of water vapor above the water - CU.

Looking dog lying on the floor in the forge - MS.

Poured from the furnace coals - MS.

Pliers, pull the nail out of the barrel with water - CU.

Blacksmith Cyril Nevzorov hammers a nail into the wall, hangs on his hat and coat and leaves - MS.

Burning grass in the field, passing rider on the horse, freeze - LS.