Stalin. (1920 - 1959)
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Scene №1 Stalin
Generalissimo Stalin in the form of sitting in the presidium.
Key words
Close-up of Stalin'sPersonnel
Stalin I.V.Calendar
1950thDomestic policy Policy
Scene №2 JV Stalin White Sea-Baltic Canal
Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, NA and other Ezhov inspect the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal, talking with the head of the construction.
Stalin I.V.Voroshilov K.E.
Molotov V.
Ezhov N.I. -- Soviet statesman
White Sea-Baltic CanalDomestic policy; Construction Policy; Sectors of the economy
Scene №3 Stalin and the members of the Soviet government
Stalin, Molotov, Mikoyan, and other members of the government through the territory of the Kremlin.
Joseph Stalin, Mikhail Kalinin, Molotov, LM Kaganovich, Voroshilov standing in a group of delegates of the congress.
Stalin I.V.Kalinin M.I.
Mikoyan A.I.
Molotov V.M.
Kaganovich L.M.
Voroshilov K.E.
1920th 1930thLocations
Domestic policy Policy
Scene №4 Stalin and his associates
Stalin and L.Kaganovich the podium of the 17th Congress of the CPSU (b).
Stalin, Khrushchev,
Molotov and K.Voroshilov vote mandates.
Stalin stood applauding.
K.E.Voroshilov and Stalin sitting in the presidium; Stalin lights a cigarette.
Standing applause K.E.Voroshilov, Stalin Molotov.
Standing in the hall applauded by the delegates.
Talking, laughing, Stalin, Khrushchev, K.E.Voroshilov.
Stalin, Khrushchev and G.Malenkov the podium.
Stalin on the Mausoleum during the Victory Parade in 1945.
Soviet soldiers throwing flags at the bottom of the Mausoleum.
Stalin in the presidium of the 19th Congress of the CPSU (b).
Key words
Members of the Government of StalinPersonnel
Stalin I.V.Kaganovich L.M. -- Soviet statesman and party figure
Hruschev N.S.
Voroshilov K.E. -- Soviet statesman and party figure
1934 1940th 1952Domestic policy Policy
Scene №5 Stalin
Laughing at Stalin Mausoleum.
Stalin I.V.Calendar
Scene №6 Stalin
Standing applauding delegates.
Stalin on the platform (stroking his mustache).
Woman embracing Stalin Collective Farm.
Stalin I.V.Calendar
1930thDomestic policy Policy
Scene №7 Stalin
Stalin with his pipe in hand, laughing, shaking hands with a woman.
Applauds Mikoyan.
Photography - Josef Stalin sitting next to Lenin.
Stalin I.V.Mikoyan A.I.
1930thDomestic policy Policy
Scene №8 Stalin
Stalin on the platform.
Stalin, Molotov, Ordzhonikidze and other members of the government are on the rostrum of the Lenin Mausoleum.
Stalin I.V.Molotov V.M.
Ordzhonikidze G.K. (Sergo)
1930thDomestic policy Policy
Scene №9 Joseph Stalin
Stalin with his pipe in his hands laughing.
Stalin I.V.Calendar