The mystery for millions of eyes. Cradle of dragonflies. (1987)
Film-document №33941
1 part, Duration: 0:16:54
Price category G
- Parts
- 2
Part 2 0:16:55
Availability of videosources
Needs clarification of possibility of digitizing in HD.
Children's science - cognitive picture of the inhabitants of ponds.Reel №1
Key words
biologyReel №2
Series №2 The mystery for millions of eyes. Cradle of dragonflies
Children's science - cognitive picture of the inhabitants of ponds.
Key words
Насекомые, стрекоза, пруд, пиявки, тритон, аквариум, ручейник, жук-плавунец, личинка стрекозы, улитка, водомерка, кувшинка, водяная лилия, ряскаSeasons
SummerEcology; Geography and Nature; Nature films