Operation "Helium". Movie 3. The "invisible rays". (1992)
Film-document №33955
2 films, Duration: 0:16:47
Price category G
On the discovery of the "radioactivity" and all that it involves. (Part 1 - History of discoveries related to helium. London. Synchron. Table of Elements. Ramsay opening. Neon, Kseon, Argon. Universtitetskie corners of London. Experience Becquerel. Laboratory Becquerel. Portrait Roentgen. Hands in Roentgen rays. Opening penetrating rays Becquerel. Graphically demonstrated good experience Becquerel. Electroscope. Demonstration of experience breeding records. Paris universtitet. Part 2 - Discovery of radioactivity Marie and Pierre Curie.)Reel №1
Key words
The sun; Opening; RadioactivityReel №2
Movie №3 Operation "Helium". Movie 3. The "invisible rays"
On the discovery of the phenomenon of "radioactivity" and all that it involves.