Want to know everything 2001 № 248

Film-document №35418 1 part, Duration: 0:12:54 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 0:12:54

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Director: Yu.Popovich, I.Nesterov, A.Smirnov, E.Yaremenko

Script writers: E.Vasiljeva, I.Golizhenkov

Operators: K.Fedorovich, P.Vlaskov, V. Tesakov, A.Login

Composers: E.Vaksov

Reel №1

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The film magazine tells about sound and about the organs of hearing in humans and fish.

The host of the issue is actor B. Khimichev.


Wars waged by Europeans in Africa (drawings).

Tam-tams of the natives.

A stone thrown into the water causes ripples on the water.

The movement of sound waves (animation).

A piece of rock falls into the sea (animation).

The boy listens to the sound of the train wheels, putting his ear to the rail.

a running train.

The passage of a sound wave along the rail.


the structure of the human ear.

Dog ears, roe deer.

The sound wave hits the eardrum (diagram).

the structure of the human inner ear.

Buzzing fly (animation).

Organ pipes.

A mixed choir sings.

People on a noisy street.

Birds flying over the water.

A" singing " cricket.


Inhabitants of the underwater world.


Moray eel.

Fish In the water.

Diagram of the location of the swim bladder in the body of fish.

Lateral line - the organ of hearing of fish (the scheme of location in the body of fish).

The swimming bubble of fish makes different sounds.


Science; Ecology
Geography and Nature

Series №1 HVZ number 248

Newsreel tells about sound and hearing about the organs in humans and fish.

Leading issue - Actor B.Himichev.



Science; Ecology
Geography and Nature