Want to know everything 1980 № 131

Film-document №37316 1 part, Duration: 0:09:31 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:32

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Director: Rovnin K., Gutman T., Ostashenko E., Antipova A.

Script writers: Gutman T., Ostashenko E., Solovjev A.

Editor: Zlotov V.

Operators: Filimonov P., Zotov N., Kreps G., Masurenkov D., Tartakov P.

Recordist: Romanov A.


1. Newsreel WWII tanker "Azerbaijan", "Decembrist" 2. "Seramagnit and its properties," 3. "Inventor unusual catamaran" 4. "Breeds of chickens"

Reel №1

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The Tanker "Azerbaijan".

Layout of the tanker "Azerbaijan".

Military chronicle.

Shooting of a caravan of ships.

Tanker crew in a lifeboat.

Sinking ship.

Photo of captain Izotov.

Layout of the ship "Decembrist".

The captain of the "Decembrist" Gulyaev (photo).

Memorial plaque with a list of the deceased team of the Decembrist.

Boards with lists of dead ships ' commands.

Monument to merchant seamen.

Eternal flame at the monument.


Two parts float in the dark liquid.

Details gradually sink to the bottom.

When the magnetic field increases, the liquid pushes out objects.

The liquid in the glass is attracted to the poles of the magnet.

When the magnetic field weakens, the liquid flows to the bottom of the glass.

Sunken tanker (chronicle).

Oil film on water.

Laboratory experience: ferromagnetic liquid purifies water from the oil film.


The boy washes the dishes.

Entertainer R. I. Romanov.

Poster with the performance of Romanov.

Romanov launches a self-moving cart on the floor.

Novels are captured by the model of the catamaran.

Romanov lowers the catamaran into the pool and turns on the engine.

The catamaran sails.



Rooster breed plymutrok.

Chickens in the yard.

Rooster and hen of the Minorca breed.

Rooster on the fence .

Chickens breed Orel print.

Gudani - crested chickens.

Fighting roosters.

Chinchin paces around the yard.

Cock kaingin among chickens.

A man feeds chickens in the yard.

A man holds a rooster in his hands.


Moscow region


Vladivostok Museum of the Navy