Want to know everything 1983 № 149

№37334 1 part, Duration: 0:08:52 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:52

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Director: S.Rajtburt, T.Gutman, E.Taravkova

Script writers: G.Eljnickaya, T.Karpelevich, M.Struzhinskaya

Operators: P.Tartakov, P.Filimonov, N. Yurushkina


1. "What ancient books written in ink" 2. "Timiriazev and plant life" 3. "Breed dogs - greyhound" 4. "Faces made by ​​nutshell"

Reel №1

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Different nuts in the menagerie.

Expanded handwritten books.

"Nuts" on the back of an oak leaf.

The hand cuts the "nut", inside it-the larva.

From the larva, a nutmeg fly is released.

Basket with oak leaves and" nuts " of the nutmeg fly.

Dried "nuts" are pounded in a mortar.

Vitriol is added to the boiled broth of "nuts".

A flask of ink.


Office of K. Timiryazev in the Museum-apartment of the scientist in Moscow.

Photo K. Timiryazev in a Professor's mantle and cap.

Portrait Of K. A. Timiryazev.

Timiryazev in his office (photo).

Reproduction of Timiryazev's experiments.

Timiryazev's desktop.

Cover of the book by K. Timiryazev "plant Life".


A man walks down the street with two Russian greyhounds.

A man with an Afghan Greyhound.

Greyhound meeting on Moscow street.

The Italian Greyhound in the hands of the hostess.

The sculpture of the Italian Greyhound.

Italian Greyhound pictures.

Italian Greyhound lying on the couch.

Large: Afghan hound.

A Greyhound and an Afghan Greyhound are playing in the apartment.


F. V. Vikulov draws on a walnut shell, and then cuts out the excess.

The faces in a nutshell.



