Want to know everything 1984 № 158

№37342 1 part, Duration: 0:09:31 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:32

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Director: Nikitkin N., Tavrog M., Rovnin K., Taravkova E.

Script writers: Saranduk A., Nikitkin N., Kemarskaya I., Samojlov S., Tavrog M.

Operators: Tartakov P., Masurenkov D., Yurushkina N.


1. Sapun Mountain. The plot is built on the material of a diorama set on Sapun Mountain in 6 km. Dedicated to the work of scientists-ichthyologists who studied the behavior of fish. 5. The Kaleidoscope. CONFERENCE.

Reel №1

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Obelisk in honor of the soldiers-liberators of Sevastopol.

WWII veterans lay wreaths and flowers at the obelisk.

Veterans in front of the obelisk.

Sapun mountain.

ransei on Sapun mountain.

Concrete pillboxes.

Assault on Sapun mountain (diarama).


Chemical laboratory.

The laboratory assistant mixes aluminum powder and iodine in a bowl -there is no reaction.

Violent reaction when adding water to the mixture.

An ordinary lump of sugar does not burn in the flame of a burner.

When wood ash is added, the sugar lights up.

Scheme of action of catalysts(animation).

A piece of platinum in hydrogen peroxide-there is a reaction.

Shop of a chemical plant.


Postal station in the city of Vyra.

Post station of the 19th century. (drawing).

Fire in the oven.

Interior of the post station room (stationmaster's Museum).

Horse harness on the wall.

Laid table.

Interiors of the Museum.

Podorozhnaya, issued to the collegiate Secretary A. Pushkin.

Portrait of Dunya-the heroine of the story "The stationmaster".

Portrait of a passing hussar.

Portrait of Samson Vyrin-the hero of the story "The stationmaster".



River in the lab.

Fish in the laboratory river.




Leningrad region

