Want to know everything 1992 № 206

Film-document №37372 1 part, Duration: 0:09:30 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:31

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Director: V.Berman


1. "The history of stamps, the stamps of Faberge collection" 2. "Swans as a miracle of nature and culture" 3. "World of Russian antiquities recreated by Samoilov" 4. "Ice and ice city"

Reel №1

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In newsreel stories included:

1st plot.

The story of one of the collection.

In the story told about the collection Zemstvo stamps collected Faberge grandson.

In the story the following filming:

General view of vintage stamps from Agathon Faberge collection - the grandson of the famous jeweler Faberge.

View Faberge in St.


General view of Faberge jewelry branded jeweler His Majesty impetatorskogo.

2nd story.


The plot tells of the swans.

In the story the following filming:

General view of the lake and swans floating on the lake.

View masonry swan eggs.

View incubator in which hatching swan.

Lebedyata water.

Swan with chicks swimming in the lake.

Third plot. "Ural village."

In the story tells about the open-air museum, which is collected and placed on the outskirts of the village of Lower Sinyachikha I.D.Samoylov Land Surveyor.

In the story the following filming:

General view of the rural landscape, the village of Lower Sinyachikha, village temple; I.D.Samoylov sitting on a bench outside the house, the village street laden wagon rides; interior of a village house, which shows items of folk life.

4th story.

Ice Palace Anna Ivanovna.

In the story told about the winter holiday "Vjugovey-91", which takes place in a town in Russia.

In the story the following filming:

General view of the ice town, Santa Claus playing with children in the park in the town of ice, kids ringing bells, slide down the icy hill; general form of ice sculptures.

Key words

Collecting. Arts and crafts. Jewelry industry. Zoology. Landscapes. Life. Rural settlements. Poultry farming. Museums. Rest. Folk festivals. Parks.