Want to know everything 1993 № 218

Film-document №37385 1 part, Duration: 0:08:47 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:47

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Director: Yu.Danilov (rezhissyor vipuska), V.Vasiljev, V.Kryuchkin, K.Rovnin

Operators: L.Belyakov, V.Ropejko, A.Novikov, V.Novgorodcev


3. History of the study of the painting, the authorship of which was originally attributed to O. Kiprensky. 4. From the last plot we learn on what go in the tundra.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel consists of 4 plots.

Leading magazine - People's Artist of the RSFSR E.A.Kindinov.

1. Plot of the first Russian Olympic champion in figure skating N.A.Panine.

Speech Soviet skaters E.A.Gordeevoy S.M.Grinkova and in international competition. N.A.Panin Ice (photo). N.A.Panin among contestants pistol shooting (photo).

Newsreels: N.A.Panin present at the competition in figure skating. of

Leningrad during the celebration of his 75th birthday (1947).

2. Plot of Model Aeronautics.

Model aircraft takes off into the sky.

American fighter model "Mustang" in the air.

Model aircraft flying the plane off the ground.

Remote control in hand Antonov AN.

Model airplane on the ground executes commands Antonov AN.

The simplest models of gliders.

Original models - the "flying man", presented his model airplanes pilot friend.

3. Plot of the examination pattern "Dreamer", the authorship of which was initially attributed to the artist O.Kiprenskomu.

One of the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery.

Museum experts examined the painting "The Dreamer" on a special X-ray unit to identify its authenticity and authorship of the picture.

During the research and study of archival documents experts state that the artist's signature OAKiprensky forged, and the real author of this picture is the artist A.V.Tyranov; title of the painting - "Girl leaning on hand."

Painted portrait artist A.V.Tyranova.

4. Plot of the sleds.

People ride in a sleigh reindeer sleigh.

Herders on a sleigh ride in a dog sled.

Men sled mounted on wheels, using for this purpose cylinders of aircraft wheels.

Dog sled driven wheeled sleds.

People and dogs, sitting on wheeled sleds, floating on the water.

Seal pups.

Key words

Sports. Figure skating. Model airplane. Museums. Cartage. Wildlife. Zoology.