Want to know everything 1994 № 224
1. "Why does the sun shine?". On thermonuclear reactions in the sun and other stars and work on the implementation of a controlled thermonuclear reaction in Kurchatov On the current model of the cosmodrome, on which the design of the launchers of the cosmodrome is being processed. The subjects are united by a general conference "Vertuška".Reel №1
Newsreel consists of 4 plots.
1.Syuzhet tells of thermonuclear reactions in the sun and other stars of the work on the implementation of the thermonuclear reaction at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kurchatov.
Experience, illustrating the effect of the magnetic field lines in a magnetic field: the iron filings under the influence of a magnet in a symmetrical pattern going.
Academician Sakharov Photograf.
View the thermonuclear test in the laboratory of the institute.
Motion of the plasma.
Newsreels 1950-1960 gg: physicist, academician of the USSR Tamm behind a desk in the office; group of researchers in laboratories around the [first thermonuclear reactor "tokamak"].
2. Plot tells of two portraits of Pushkin, written by artists and VATropinin OAKiprensky in 1827
Portraits of artists and VATropinin OAKiprensky.
Visitors Tretyakov gallery in the hall.
Portrait of Alexander Pushkin, made by artists.
3. Plot tells of mosquito larvae.
Summer forest landscape.
Wormlike bloodworm (bloodworms) under water.
Wiggler-Piskun on the water surface.
Conversion of mosquito larvae to pupa and pupa in the mosquito.
4. Plot tells about the current layout of the cosmodrome, which handled the design launchers cosmodrome.
Layout space-rocket launch facility with moving missile.
Running the model booster.
Model of starting devices.
Working model of a rocket launch site with "Buran".
Photograf Academician, General Designer VPBarmin.
Key words
Physics, applied physics, theoretical mechanics. Painting. Museums. Wildlife. Zoology. Astronomy and Space.