Want to know everything 1995 № 237

Film-document №37405 1 part, Duration: 0:09:31 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:32

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Director: Rovnin K., B.Zagryazhskij, Yu.Danilov

Operators: P.Tartakov, D.Masurenkov, V.Ropejko


1. The plot tells about dekolkomanii - simply put, about decals, the history of their occurrence. 3. The plot of sudomodelist V. Tregubov, who makes models of ships in bottles. 4. On the new sport - agility. - a kind of competition for dogs, which in translation from English means agility and agility.

Reel №1

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1. the Girl translates images.

Factory workers translate the drawing on the plates.

Porcelain tableware with various drawings (translated pictures).

Photo Of S. Obraztsov.

The table bought by Obraztsovym, on the table top of which there are transfer pictures.

2. the Girl translates the picture with the car.

Traffic on the street.

The car goes on a country road, washed out by rain.

The car is skidding.

Toy cars ride on a paper road.


The tank makes maneuvers on the parade ground.

3. Girl puts a picture of a sailboat.

Model of a sailboat.

Viktor Tregubov crushes the model and puts it in the bottle.

A man straightens a model placed in a bottle with a special tool.

Tregubov's sailboats in bottles.

4.The girl has translated on paper of the image of the sport.

Dogs of different breeds.

Mini poodle runs on an inclined Board.

Agility training.

Spectators in the stands.

Agility competitions.

Presentation of awards to the winners.