Ready to start. (1975)

Film-document №38763 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:11 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:58

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Director: Makarov N.

Script writers: Makarov N.

Operators: B. Smirnov, Yu. Ivlev

Anouncers: L.Hmara

Other authors: Zvuk - N. Aipov


The story about the preparations for the joint flight of Soviet and American astronauts by the program "Soyuz-Apollo".

Space programs


Reel №1 Ready to start

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Training of Soviet and American cosmonauts Leonov, Kubasov, Filipchenko, Rukavishnikov, T. Stafford, V. Brand, D. Slayton by the pre-flight program "Soyuz" - " Apollo ".

Mission Control Center spacecraft; correspondents interview the astronauts.

ššššššCheck astronauts to the cosmodrome "Baikonur".

Inspection "Soyuz".

Press conference of Soviet and American cosmonauts after returning from the "Baikonur" in Moscow.

American and Soviet astronauts present at the May Day demonstration on Red Square.

Key words

Public holidays. USA. Scientific communications. Astronautics. Media.




Moscow region


Reel №2

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Installation and testing building.

Inspection of the Soyuz spacecraft.

Joint assessment of the ships' readiness for flight.

Inspection of cosmonauts' flight seats and spacesuits.

Kazakh yurts near the hotel.

Reception of guests in compliance with the ancient Kazakh ritual.

Departure to Moscow.

Press conference of Soviet cosmonauts and American astronauts after returning from Baikonur to Moscow.

Pilot-cosmonaut A. Leonov (synchronously).

T. Stafford (synchronously).

American astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts at the May Day demonstration on Red Square.

L. Brezhnev and A.Kosygin on the podium of the Mausoleum.

Cosmonaut pilots A.Eliseev and V.Sevastyanov.

A demonstration of workers takes place on Red Square.



