The Russians 1992 № 9 "Yishlyk" - youth Bashkiria.

Film-document №4081 1 part, Duration: 0:09:16 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:16

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The issue highlights the problems of the modern Bashkir youth and preservation of the national culture.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Rehearsal of the musical ensemble.

Alternation: amateur footage filming, interview with the author records - L.Konovalovoy.

Speech folk ensemble at the festival.

Spectators at the field around the open stage.

Alternation: says the chairman of the Union of Bashkir Youth R.Baimov, chronicle frames (rallies and a hunger strike in protest).

Rehearsal of the musical ensemble.

Tells R.Baimov.

Says editor "Yishlyk" A.Idelbaev newspaper.

A rally in front of the administration building.

Says a member of the Union of Bashkir Youth D.Gaynullin.

Police thronging crowd pressed forward.

Rehearsal of the musical ensemble.

Says the head of the "Caravanserai" A.Taygulov.

Girls at the parapet. A.Taygulov.

Alternation: national amusement, performance artists in the folk festival, crowds, shots Chronicle (protests).





National culture; Youth; Rallies
Culture and Arts; Social life; Society, social activities and community organizations