The Russians 1993 № 2

Film-document №4105 1 part, Duration: 0:09:59 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:00

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About the small Ural city of Polevskaya and its inhabitants.

Reel №1

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Performance of the accordion ensemble.

Polevskoy -a general view of the city.

Artistic director of the city club V. Ishimov (synchronously) about the history of the city.

Panorama of the city.

The clubhouse.

M. N. Tokmakova is the organizer of the "Play Accordion" club (synchronously).

A family feast in the house of the first accordion player V. Boldyrev.

V. Boldyrev plays the accordion, a woman sings ditties (synchronously).

A woman feeds chickens.

Rehearsal of an amateur ensemble of folk instruments.

The amateur choir of the field residents sings.

On the stage, an accordion player and a soloist of advanced years.

Children are singing on the stage.

Amateur artists on stage.

Performance of amateur artists in front of the workers of the pipe plant.

Workshops of the plant.

The presenter of the concerts is A.M. Klevtsova (synchronously).

V. Ishimova (synchronously).

Speech of the field residents on the street.

Panorama of the city.


Sverdlovsk region



Russian cities and regions; Amateur performances
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; National culture; Culture and Arts