Excavator on the blade. (1983)

Film-document №41375 1 part, Duration: 0:04:49 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:04:49

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: Yu.Temnikov

Script writers: E.Gohfeljd

Operators: R.Zuev


The film was created by order of the Ministry of Coal Industry of the USSR for safety training when working on an excavator in an overburden dump.


Social life

Reel №1

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An open-pit coal mine.

Coal is transported by an open conveyor.

The overburden is transported on railway dumpcars to the dump.

Labor productivity at the dump depends on the operation of the excavator.

Before starting work, the excavator operator must familiarize himself with the technical conditions of the place of work and check their compliance with the passport of the face.

To do this, the excavator operator must check the location of the excavator relative to the path and slope of the dump tier.

It is necessary to study the possibility of removing the excavator to a safe place in the event of a landslide, the profile of the approach, as well as the condition of the work site.

If the work site is littered with rock, this can lead to injury to personnel by counter-loading the excavator.

The most important condition for safe operation on the dump is a clear interaction between the drivers of the excavator and the electric locomotive.

The sound signals of the excavator driver to the driver of the electric locomotive.

Example of a signal.

When the soil sticks to the dumpcar, the driver cleans it with a special scraper-shovel.

When carrying out such work, no one should be near the dumpcar.

This operation can be excluded if the dumpcar is treated with a special liquid neogrin.

The driver must monitor the pit, the condition of the railway track at the unloading site.

An emergency situation is shown in case of improper operation of the excavator driver.

The excavator works in compliance with all the rules.

Key words

Excavator driver. Safety rules.

Sectors of the economy