Want to know everything 1963 № 34

Film-document №55672 1 part, Duration: 0:10:10 to collection Price category G
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  • 1
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:11

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Director: Ostashenko E.

Script writers: Bukin Yu., Vinogradov V., Ostashenko E., Levin A.

Operators: Korh I., Riklin V.

Composers: Smirnov V.


1. The plot of the light beam and its widespread use.

Reel №1

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1.The boy on the street let the sun Bunny.

Reconstruction of the Cabinet of I. Newton.

Newton's experiments with light.

A rainbow appears on a prism placed in the path of a ray of light.

The color spectrum turns white when rotated.

Joseph Priestley's Office.

Priestley's Experiments.

Medal of the Royal society of Science, received by Priestley.

Portrait Of Priestley.

Photo of P. N. Lebedev in the office.

Lebedev's Experiments.

Turnstiles with a photocell in the metro.

Photovoltaic cells in the printing house.

Photocells on the Telegraph.

The laser beam pierces through the metal.

Experiments with a laser beam in the laboratory.
