Moscow "Dynamo" stadium. (1949)
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The story of one of Moscow's most famous stadiums - the stadium "Dynamo". The film shows the detailed arrangement of the stadium, winter and summer athletes training, the organization of activities for children and adults, as well as fragments of the competition.Different kinds of sports | Sports legends | Sporting events
Reel №1
Views of Moscow.
Members marathon.
The movement of vehicles.
The stadium "Dynamo".
Running competition.
Long jump with a running start.
Football game.
Empty stadium bleachers.
Autumn rains.
Animation: rain over the stadium turns into snow.
Stadium under snow.
Winter training cyclists.
Classes in Greco-Roman wrestling.
Women's volleyball team.
Classes in the gym (vault, horizontal bar, parallel bars).
Fill the ice stadium.
Portraits of famous skaters.
Ya.F.Melnikov. P.A.Ippolitov.
Photographer shoots champions. M.G.Isakova.
Photographer away. M.G.Isakova and Ya.F.Melnikov.
V.A.Proshin and P.A.Ippolitov.
The athlete tying skates.
Train skaters.
Skaters on the ice.
Classes in the children's school of figure skating.
The game of hockey.
Melnikov YF - Russia and the Soviet skater, Honored Master of Sports, a multiple champion of Russia, the USSR and RSFSR.Ippolitov PA - Russia and the Soviet cyclist and speed skater, Honored Master of Sports, champion of Russia and the Soviet Union, a sports journalist, author of books and teaching aids.
Isakova MG - Soviet skater, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, record holder and champion of the USSR and the world, coach.
Proshin VA - Soviet skater, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, the absolute champion of the USSR, Honored Coach of the USSR, head coach of the Armed Forces of the speed skating and cycling.
Reel №2
Hockey players in the break room.
Athletes leave the room.
The game of hockey.
Winter park.
Training skiers.
Greenhouse Stadium.
Woman watering plants.
Mowing the grass on the football field.
Man watering the field.
Painting stadium.
Layout of a football field.
Setting the grid at the gate.
The mark on the goal line.
The main entrance to the stadium.
Types park adjacent to the stadium.
Building under construction.
Work goes down.
Workers at the plant metallurgists.
P.Strokov roller.
Workers and employees complete the shift. P.Strokov and N.Nigagosov.
Competitions in towns.
Girls go to the stadium.
A student-athlete O.Anisimova.
The Colonel and Colonel Shevchenko Banov.
Train runners.
Academics I.I.Artobolevsky and AA Mikulin.
Game of tennis.
The street is a student.
Sport children's section of the gym.
Filing rules TRP.
Coach talking to a student.
Cross the park.
Tennis courts.
Coaching volleyball.
Coaching basketball.
Artobolevsky II - Soviet scientist and engineer, academician of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.AA Mikulin - Soviet scientist and designer, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.
Reel №3
Classes in gymnastics in the park. B.N.Astafeva and V.M.Lavruschenko. V.M.Lavruschenko performs exercises on horseback. V.M.Lavruschenko coached athletes.
E. Ivanov executes exercise on the crossbar. E. Ivanov works with children vault.
Train children's tennis school, class leading N.S.Teplyakova.
The match comes A.A.Pugachevsky other.
A.A.Pugachevskogo running in slow motion.
Train runners. N.Ya.
Dumbadze, discus throwing. N.Ya.
Dumbadze and A.S.Andreeva.
Dumbadze throws the disc. I.A.Stepanchonok, hurdling in slow motion. I.S.Stepanchonok coached runners.
Student N.Gerasimova.
Long Jump.
N.Gerasimova coach I.P.Sergeevym. M.G.Isakova V.A.Proshin and go through the park.
Summer training skaters. N.G.Ozolin. N.G.Ozolin B.Suharevym with the student.
Pole vault N.G.Ozolina in slow motion.
Leap B.Suhareva.
Athletes in the medical offices of the stadium (physiotherapy, massage, solarium).
The doctor looks at the card index.
Branch stadium, water station "Dynamo".
Train swimmers.
Water polo.
BN Astafjevs - Honored Master of Sports in gymnastics, USSR Merited Coach, teacher and public figure.Lavruschenko VM - Honored Master of Sports in gymnastics, USSR champion in sports decathlon.
NS Teplyakova - Soviet dancer and tennis player, Honored Master of Sports, Honored coach of the USSR.
AA Pugachevsky - Soviet-runner rekordist, Honored Master of Sports, a multiple champion of the USSR, Honored Coach of the USSR.
N. Dumbadze - Honored Master of Sports in athletics, throwing champion of the USSR and Europe drive, Olympic medalist in 1952.
Andreeva AS - Honored Master of Sports in athletics, champion of the USSR and Europe in the shot put.
Stepanchonok IA - Honored Master of Sports in athletics, Honored Coach of the USSR, head coach of the USSR 1971-1975.
IP Sergeev - Honored Master of Sports in athletics, Honored Coach of the USSR.
Ozolin NG - Honored Master of Sports in athletics, Honored Coach of the USSR, Ph.D., author of textbooks, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR.
Isakova MG
Proshin VA
SpringReel №4
Alternation: transport and outflows of Moscow.
Spectators filled the stands.
Commentator V.S.Sinyavsky.
The game of volleyball.
The game of basketball.
Bike race.
View into the stands.
Out of football teams on the field.
The fans run to the athletes and receives flowers.
Soccer game.
Rejoicing in the stands.
Those athletes.
Parade participants of the sports festival.
Fragments of the competition.
Sinyavsky VS - Soviet war correspondent and radio reporter, a sports journalist, commentator Union Radio.Alexander Ponomarev - Honored Master of Sports football, Honored Coach of the USSR.
Solovyov LK - Honored Master of Sports football, Honored coach of the RSFSR.