Leningrad chronicles 1971 № 32

Film-document №59517 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:36 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:32

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Producer LSDF

Director: L. Izakson

Other authors: G. Sisoev


The issue is dedicated to the celebration of the 54th anniversary of the October Revolution in Leningrad and the achievements of the city's workers.

Russian cities and regions | November 7 | Holidays

Towns and countries | Geography and Nature | Social life

Reel №1

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Views of the streets and embankments of Leningrad on the eve of the 54th anniversary of the October Revolution.

Warships of the Baltic Fleet on the Neva.

Raising the naval flag of the USSR on one of the ships.

The crew of the ship on the deck during the raising of the flag.

Flags of colorization on the topmasts.

View of the aft part of the ship (from above).

Planes at the airport.

The hydrofoil boat is on the Neva River.

Types of construction of industrial enterprises.

Entrance to the territory of the plant "Krasny Vyborzhets".

A memorial plaque on the wall of one of the factory buildings dedicated to the signing of the first agreement on socialist competition in the USSR.

The text of one of the modern competition agreements.

The headline of the factory newspaper.

Internal view of one of the workshops, production processes.

View of the Kirov Plant.

Production processes in the factory shops.

Production leaders E. I. Lebedev and A. A. Kozlov at work.

Quality control of the products of the advanced team of grinders.

Headlines of newspaper articles about the labor achievements of Leningrad residents.

Production processes in the workshops of Leningrad industrial enterprises, the faces of workers and engineers.

Harvesting potatoes in one of the farms of the Leningrad region.

TV assembly.

Ready-made TVs during testing.

Ships built at the Leningrad shipyards are sent to their first voyage.

Tugboats bring a new sea vessel "Vostok"to the fairway.

Equipment at earthworks during the construction of a new industrial complex in the village.

Construction of residential buildings in Leningrad.

Panorama of the new residential quarter.

Public transport and people on the streets of the city.

Red flags and portraits of Lenin on the walls of houses, hung for the holiday on November 7.

View of the presidium and the auditorium of the concert hall "Oktyabrsky" during the solemn meeting in honor of the 54th anniversary of the October Revolution.

First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU Romanov G. V. in the presidium.

The faces of the participants of the solemn meeting.

Secretary of the Leningrad City Committee of the CPSU Andreev speaks from the podium (synchronously), the meeting participants listen to the speech of Andreev, views of the hall and the presidium.

Participants of the meeting and members of the presidium applaud.

People on the streets of Leningrad.

The face of the Leningrad workers and engineers.

View of one of the rostral columns of Vasilievsky Island.

The faces of the participants of the festive demonstration.

Warships of the Baltic Fleet on the Neva River before the start of the naval parade.

The head of the Leningrad Naval Base, Admiral I. I. Baykov, climbs aboard the cruiser Aurora, followed by G. V. Romanov.

The commander of the cruiser gives a report.

The crew of the cruiser during the solemn formation on the deck.

The sentry is on duty.

Return of the report.

A brass band plays, the faces of the musicians.

Baykov walks around the line of veterans, shakes hands with them.

The admiral's boat departs from the side of the Aurora.

A submarine on the Neva River with a crew built on the deck to meet the admiral.

Baykov and Romanov greet the crew of the submarine from the boat.

The admiral's boat passes by the warships standing on the Neva River.

Bikov, Romanov and veterans on the deck of the boat.

The Face Of Science.

The crew of one of the warships in formation on the deck.

The admiral's boat goes along the Neva River past the ships.


Romanov Grigorij Vasiljevich -- statesman and political figure
Andreev Boris Sergeevich -- state, political and economic figure
Bajkov Ivan Ivanovich -- naval figure, naval commander




Leningrad region



Political figures; Meeting; Industry; Agriculture; Fleet; Demonstrations
Biography; Policy; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life; Sectors of the economy; Army; Defense and internal security

Reel №2

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Views of the Palace Square before the start of the military parade and demonstration in honor of the 54th anniversary of the October Revolution (top).

Parts of the Leningrad garrison and the Baltic Fleet in parade formation, the faces of soldiers and sailors.

Buglers give the signal.

Parts of the troops of the Leningrad garrison, students of military academies and military sailors pass through the Palace Square in a parade formation.

Guests on the podium greet the passing troops.

Admiral Baykov on the podium, the troops pass in front of the podium, the guests on the podium.

View of the Palace Square during the parade (top).

A unit of the airborne troops passes in front of the podium.

Military sailors pass through the Palace Square.

Admiral Baykov on the podium.

Military equipment moves on the Palace Square, views of the square during the passage of military equipment (top).

Units of rocket troops and artillery at the parade on Palace Square, the faces of foreign guests.

An armored car with a statue of Lenin on the tower opens a festive demonstration on Palace Square.

Carrying the banner of the Leningrad organization of the CPSU to the square.

A column of advanced production workers with banners of industrial enterprises of Leningrad passes by.

Views and panorama of the festive demonstration.

Demonstrators carry their tools in their hands.

The faces of the demonstrators.

Banners with slogans and posters over the columns of demonstrators.

The girls ' faces.

The leadership of the city and the region and the military on the podium.

Demonstrators greet the leaders of Leningrad.

The faces of the demonstrators.

Views of the festive demonstration and the grandstand in front of the Winter Palace.

Mock-up of the lunar rover at the demonstration.

The faces of the demonstrators, banners over the columns.

View of the Palace Square during the demonstration (above).

Mock-ups with slogans on the platforms of trucks marching in columns of demonstrators.

Participants of the demonstration and the leaders of Leningrad and the region greet each other.

View of the Palace Square (from above).

A seagull flies over the Neva River.

View of the part of Nevsky Prospekt and Leningrad streets, decorated with evening electric illumination.

The cruiser "Aurora" in the festive illumination.

Festive evening fireworks over Leningrad.


Bajkov Ivan Ivanovich -- naval figure, naval commander







Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life