Tonwoche 1938 № 426

Film-document №63915 2 parts, Duration: 0:12:52, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:07:09

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Producer UFA

Reel №1

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British troops in Palestine.

Armored vehicles move along the road in mountainous terrain.

The Jews on the streets, close-UPS of facial features.

Residents with children sitting on the street at the houses.

Arab with a camel on the street, close-up of a camel chewing.

A pointer to Bethlehem.

English armored cars on the road, planes fly over them.

Troops in the city.

Soldiers at the firing point on the porch with a machine gun.

The soldier looks at the hole walls of the fortress, overlooking the city.

British soldiers are in the city, they are on the street, blocked by barbed wire, the soldier at the barrier.

The flow of light signals from the rooftops.

The soldiers are on the street by a high stone wall, fighter fan-leaf aloe.

The soldiers Jogging in the streets of the city.

Traces of hits of bullets and shells in the house: broken Windows, doors.

Arab prisoners associated alternately with a rope.

Soldiers-Muslims distribute food to the inhabitants with the truck, in turn, women in burqas, children.

English cars driving in the desert.

Views of the city and the tower of the mosque.

Artillery, in the air of smoke, fire, explosions of houses.


People stand in line for the stadium.

Billboards about the football match of the higher national League.

Spectators at the stadium for the match arrives, king George VI, he bypasses the team, shakes hands.

Moments of the game.

Opening of navigation on the rivers Rhine-Oder.

A map of Germany Rhine river, Wieser, Elbe, Oder, which is planned to connect channels.

The construction of the canal from Duisburg via Essen, Dortmund, Minden at the Visser, then via Hanover, Salzgitter, Braunschweig, Magdeburg on the Elbe to Berlin.

Diagram of the channel on the map.

The construction of the car factory "Volkswagen" in grünwald. pnrm. construction workers, welders.

Smoke pipe plant.

At the opening of the channel arrives in Magdeburg Rudolf Hess.

He rides in an open car through the city, the people welcomed guest.

Hess bypasses the formation of soldiers.

On the podium of the speaker.

It provides the word Hess.

After the speech, Hess is on the boat that comes into the gateway to transition to another level of water.

The crowds on the beach welcome Hess, separately, is a system of sportsmen-rowers with oars in his hands.

The floodgates open, the channel is the ship.

A view of the port and many ships.

Key words

Palestine, 1938, the troops, the occupation, Jews, Arabs, destruction, artillery England, 1938, sports, soccer, monarchs, personnel Germany, 1938, the Navy, civil, construction, channels Germany, 1938, construction, automobile Germany, 1938, channels, discovery, Hess, gateways, Navy civil

Reel №2

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Soldiers of Franco's army in the mountains near the Ebro, the firing point with a machine gun on top.

The soldiers in the attack.

The winning flag on the top.

As a result of major fire destroyed an entire block in Marseille.

Firefighters put out the fire hoses.

Prime Minister Daladier inspecting the ruins. pnrm. the ruins of buildings, falling charred walls of the Cathedral and houses.

People dismantle blockages.

The German part of the pleasure.

Soldier darning socks, the other cleans shoes.

Soldiers clean weapons, singing to the accordion.

Comes the commander, read the order, everyone is happy, continue to sing.

Mobilization in Germany.

On the streets marching recruits with suitcases in hand.

Recruits go on a decorated tram on the roof are the suitcases.

In Weimar there is a Week of German books.

Home of the poets Goethe and Schiller monument at the wall.

The Grand meeting in the hall.

The speech of Goebbels on German literature.

The audience in the hall, individuals.

Key words

Spain, 1938, the civil war, soldiers France, 1938, Czechoslovakia, 1938, soldiers, leisure Germany, 1938, the mobilization of new recruits Germany, 1938, literature, Goebbels, monuments