Front action (fighting inside Russia). (1942)

Film-document №67703 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:23, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:50

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Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

SShA.Gitlerovskie troops moving on the road.

Hitler welcomed them.

They're coming tanks, motorbikes.

The attacks, firing of guns.

Soldiers occupied the village


Red Army soldiers, Marshal Timoshenko, Voroshilov.

Civilians, women, children.

Announced anxiety, men on horseback, took place in the truck.

Runs vtsrevozhenny cattle


The ruins, fires.

Captured Germans smashed the fascist aircraft missiles.

Residents look at the captured pilots

SShA.SSSR.Multkarta SSSR.Nebolshoy excursion into the history and geography of the country.

Mountains, rivers, fields, forests.


Union republics.

Caucasian Shepherd, Ukrainian dance.

Chronicle of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, the procession

SShA.SSSR.Zhenschiny plow the land.



Lenin monument.


SShA.SSSR.Lyudi continue to work.

There is a meeting of the national economy plans.



New construction of the country.


SSSR.Raboty in agriculture.

Women learn to drive a tractor.

Cleaning cotton.


On Harvesters fields.

Students studying in the institutes, students in schools.

Games of children in kindergarten

Key words

US, Russia, the Nazis, the forces of invasion, soldiers, weapons, Hitler US, Russia, World War 2, Red Army soldiers, commanders, people, children, animals, pets Soviet War 2 world, destruction, fire, people, air force, prisoners SSHSCHA, USSR, World War 2, river, forest, taiga, allies, anniversary, monarchs, religion United States, Soviet Union, peasants, women, monuments, personalities United States, Soviet Union, peasants, women, dam construction USSR, agriculture, machinery, household, women, students, children, entertainment, river, school

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

SSSR.Tanki, horse Turkestan desert.

In the mountains outpost guards

SSSR.Kursanty at the Summer Academy classes

THE USSR. Parade of troops.

Voroshilov on the podium Red Square.

Placer skydivers in the air, skiers in camouflage suits

SSSR.V Siberia, reindeer residents.

Sawmill, ready to train with planks.

Oil rigs in Baku.

Trains with oil

SSSR.Karta USSR places new buildings.

Construction Komsomolsk, Sverdlovsk, Magnitogorsk.


The miners are going to change

SSSR.Spartakiada, the athletes are on the field of the stadium.



SShA.Vystuplenie Hitler.

Post Molotov attack on the Nazis.

Listen to people.




Demonstration in London

SSSR.Voennye ships, tanks.

Battle positions, trenches, planes, tanks.


Winter forest, rush skiers cavalry

SSSR.V rear of the workers are employed in manufacturing

Key words

Soviet military machinery, tanks, mountains, desert, border, soldiers, domestic animals USSR, students, education, military, air force, The Soviet Union, the parade, the troops, paratroopers, world war 2 SSSGR, people, animals, the forest industry, the oil industry, railway USSR, construction, miners USSR, parade, sport, stadium, Stalin USA, USSR, World War 2, Hitler Gos.deyateli, personalities, the Nazis, the people, the volunteers, the cavalry England, demonstration Soviet War 2 World, Navy, weapons, tanks, fortifications, the BBC, the forest, the cavalry Soviet War 2 world, workers, industry