Worship of stones. (1991)

Film-document №69 5 parts, Duration: 0:42:34 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:45

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Producer Krasnoyarsk studio

Director: Mihajlov A.

Script writers: Mihajlov A.

Operators: Tishkevich S.


The film is dedicated to the famous Krasnoyarsk stolbisty V. K. Warm. The film tells about the Krasnoyarsk Pillars, and the movement of stolbists, used newsreel footage, sound memories about V. K. Warm and other athletes, stories about training, trips and the importance of stolbism in the life of Krasnoyarsk.

Different kinds of sports | Geography and Nature | Life and leisure

Sport | Social life

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

State nature reserve "Stolby", the rock.

Man climbs the cliff, on the wall the name of V. K. Warm, who died in 1989.


Panorama of forest and rocks.

The alternation of climbers climb the rocks, the story guide.

Adults and children watching the rise.

Man climbs the wall.

A man tells about his fall.

Athlete on a rock.

Stolbisty remember the death of V. K. Warm.

A man with children climbing the rope.

The alternation tells the older the athlete, the children climb the low rock.

People on the forest trail.

Older athlete.

The rise of the wall.

A view of the wall from top to bottom.

Panorama of the forest.

Krasnoyarsk tells the driver.

The man opens the side of the truck.

Key words

Mountaineering. Stolbizm. Tourism. Extreme rest.





Reel №2

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Truck dumps soil, a cloud of dust.

The man adjusts the telescope.

People walk along a forest trail.

The ascent to the rock.

The passage to the cave (bottom view).

People sing with a guitar, from rock to forest.

A man carries firewood into the house.

A set of water from the well.

At the signal, the pail of water rise up.

A man unhooks the container from the hoist and carries into the house.

The boy climbs the rope.

Man unties the rope.

Says an elderly athlete.

Sessions with children.

The man climbing the rope without using your hands.

The names of the victims on the wall.

Says the middle-aged woman.

The moon in the sky.

People look at the stars.

Dawn in the mountains.

The sides sit on the rocks.

Key words

Mountaineering. Stolbizm. Tourism. Extreme rest.





Reel №3

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Bottom view on the hut.

The conversation at the table.

Observation with a telescope at the people in the mountains.

People on the ground in front of the hut.

Singing with a guitar.

The man at the telescope.

The tightrope Walker moves from rock to rock.

People on the rocks.

View of the taiga.

Says an elderly athlete.

Stolbisty climb the rocks.

Panorama of the reserve.

People on the crest of the cliff.


Personnel news:

The rise of V. K. Warm on the rock Feathers.

Key words

Mountaineering. Stolbizm. Tourism. Extreme rest.







Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Personnel news:

The rise of V. K. Warm on the rock Feathers.

A man talks about the features of the rocks.


Personnel news:

The funeral of W. K. Warm, people carry the coffin.

Panorama of the reserve.

The education of children.

Photographer A. Merchants prints the.

The alternation of athletes confer before the rise, people look down from the cliff.

Personnel news:

Wife of V. K. Warm with children.

Athlete tied off with rope.

Alternation: the rise of the rock Feathers on the route V. K. Warm, the observers below.

Bottom view to the mountain hut.

Stories stolbist.

The man puts firewood into the furnace.

Sunrise over the mountains.

A man looks through a telescope.

Key words

Mountaineering. Stolbizm. Tourism. Extreme rest.







Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Burning candle in a jar.

People with flags in the winter forest.

Holiday in the mountains, people sing and dance.

People with a flare on the rock.

The bomb goes off.

Personnel news:

The rise of V. K. Warm on the rock Feathers.

The funeral of the athlete, the widow's coffin.

Memorial plaque.

The flowers at the foot of the cliff.

The athlete climbs up the cliff.

Panorama of the reserve.

Key words

Mountaineering. Stolbizm. Tourism. Extreme rest.





