Figure Skating Stars. (1971)
International performances of the top rank figure skaters of the world, which took place in March of 1971 in the Sports Palace in the Luzhniki Sports Complex, are shown in the film.Temporary description
Fragments of demonstration performances of the strongest skaters in the world's Luzhniki Stadium (Moscow): dance I. Rodnina and Alexander Ulanov, LA Pakhomov, and AG Gorshkov, the skater from Czechoslovakia O. Nepela, world champion in single skating B. Schuba (Austria) Soviet athletes L. Smirnova and A. Suraykin, world championship bronze medalist S. Chetverukhin, the skater from East Germany, Jan Hoffman and other athletes. Coaches S. Zhuk, E. Chaykovskaya, Y. Muller from the GDR talking to their pupils.Reel №1
A general panorama of the “Luzhniki” Sports Palace.
A general panorama of participants of the traditional international exhibition of the world-greatest figure skaters on the ice-rink.
The audience in the stands is greeting the sportsmen.
The participants of the show are standing: the champions of the world in pair skating Irina Rodnina and Alexey Ulanov;
their trainer Stanislav Zhuk;
the champions of the world in ice-dancing Ludmila Pakhomova and Alexander Gorshkov, their trainer Elena Chaikovskaya;
the champion of the world Ondrei Nepela from the Check Republic;
the champion of the world Beatrix Schuba from Austria;
silver medalists of the European and world championship Ludmila Smirnova and Andrei Suraikin;
the bronze medalist of the world championship Sergey Chetverukhin is talking with his trainer S. Zhuk.
The participants of the exhibition are standing: Angelica and Erich Buck – sportsmen from the German Federal Republic;
Karin Magnussen from Canada; Janette Linn from the USA; Sonya Morgenstern from the German Democratic Republic.
A well-known trainer from the German Democratic Republic Jutta Muller is speaking with his student Jan Hoffmann.
A general and middle panorama of the figure skater from the German Democratic Republic Jan Hoffmann performing his exhibition programme.
A general and middle panorama of the sportswoman from the German Democratic Republic Sonya Morgenstern on the ice.
The trainer Jutta Muller is present in the hall, he is controlling the performance of his students.
The sportsmen Angelica and Erich Buck from the German Federal Republic and Judi Shwomeyer and James Sladki from the USA are dancing waltz.
A general and middle panorama of S. Chetverukhin performing his exhibition programme.
A middle panorama of the US figure skater J. Linn on the ice.
A general and middle panorama of the performance of L. Smirnova and A. Suraikin.
B. Schuba is on the ice of the Sports Palace.
O. Nepela is performing.
L. Pakhomova and A. Gorshkov are performing the dance "Vdol’ po Piterskoy” [“Along the Piterskaya street”].
I. Rodnina and A. Ulanov are performing the “Tsyganochka” dance [“Gipsy” dance”].
A general and middle panorama of the participants of the exhibition going by along the ice-rink of the Sports Palace; bowing.
The audience is greeting the sportsmen.