Lower Povolzhie 1961 № 40 The historic congress opened

Film-document №76326 1 part, Duration: 0:05:51, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:05:52

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Producer Nizhne-Volzhskaya newsreel studio

Director: G. Buldakova

Operators: S. Avloshenko, G. Bojnenkov, A. Buldakov, K. Lavigin, A. Sofjin, B. Ciperman

Other authors: N. Surovcev


Issue devoted to the opening of the XXII Congress of the Communist party and the labour achievements of the inhabitants of the Lower Volga region in honor of the opening of the Congress.

Congress of the CPSU | Russian cities and regions

CPSU activity | Domestic policy | Policy | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

View of the building of the Kremlin Palace of congresses on the day of the opening of the 22 Congress of the CPSU on 17 October 1961.

The Congress delegates in the lobby talking with each other.

View of the hall of the Congress, the delegates rose and applauded.

View of the Presidium meeting of the Congress, the Presidium, Khrushchev N. With., Li Brezhnev, mA Suslov, Mikoyan A. I. applauding in response to the greetings of the delegates.

The faces of the leaders of foreign Communist parties invited to the Congress, among them - Ibarruri, D., Ho, W. Ulbricht

View of the Presidium of the Congress, the Presidium, Mikoyan, Brezhnev, Suslov.

View of the hall of sessions of Congress (top), goes to the podium Khrushchev.

Khrushchev speaks from the podium with the report.

Panorama hall of the Congress (above).

Khrushchev on the TV screen, the faces of the people watching the broadcast from the Kremlin Palace of congresses.

Workers and engineers of the Volga hydroelectric station you watch on TV the speech of Khrushchev.

Saratov workers listening session 22 Congress of the CPSU on the radio.

Party veterans from Astrakhan at home listening to a radio broadcast session of Congress.

Residents of Stalingrad light read the newspaper on the facade of the building with information about the course of the 22nd Congress of the CPSU.

TTY transmits the message text on the progress of the Congress.

Newspapers in typography.

The message about the opening of the 22 Congress of the CPSU in the newspaper "Pravda".

People on the streets read Newspapers with the text of Khrushchev's speech.

Pioneers listen to the radio broadcast of the Congress, those pioneers.

Students of foundry Department of the Saratov industrial technical school read the newspaper reports of the Congress, the faces of the students.

Students read Newspapers.

The Presidium meeting of the staff of the Stalingrad tractor plant.

Participants of the meeting in the hall.

Rewarding workers with diplomas.

Participants in the meeting applauded.

Engineer Lydia Pavlenko, E. G. Kylyaev electrician, technician I. knight get the party tickets.

Face new party members.

The construction of a residential house in Astrakhan.

Transportation of panels on the prefab.

The installation of panels for building a house.

Construction of residential panel houses.

1488 first tractor off the Assembly line of the Stalingrad tractor plant.

Tractor on the site of the finished products.

Transportation of the tractor to the platform with the help of a crane.


Nikita Khrushchev -- state and political figure
Brezhnev Leonid Iljich -- state and political figure
Suslov Mihail Andreevich -- state and political figure
Mikoyan Anastas Ivanovich -- state and political figure
Ibarruri Dolores -- Spanish revolutionary and political figure
Ho Shi Min -- Vietnamese statesman and political figure
Uljbriht Valjter -- German statesman and political figure




Saratov region
Astrakhan region
Tambov region



CPSU activity; Industry; Construction; Media; Political figures
Domestic policy; Policy; Sectors of the economy; Social life; Biography