Lower Povolzhie 1979 № 35 October meetings

Film-document №76402 1 part, Duration: 0:09:29, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:29

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Producer Nizhne-Volzhskaya newsreel studio

Director: V. Bobkov

Operators: O. Shelyugin

Recordist: G. Maruschak

Other authors: D. Popova


The issue is dedicated to people celebrating their birthday on November 7.

Holidays | November 7 | Biography

Social life

Reel №1

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Yunarmeytsy take up their post at the Eternal flame.

Girl's face.

Workers of the Tambov production Association "Pigment" adjust the operation of equipment.

The face of the apparatchik M. Tatarnikov, behind the scenes sounds his story about his life and work, joining the CPSU while serving in the army (synchronously).

Tatarnikov and his comrades at work, types of shop.

Tatarnikov speaks about the increased socialist commitments made by November 7 (synchronously).

People's faces on city streets.

Car transport on one of the streets.

People on the streets of the city, a girl carries boxes of cakes.

Director of the Astrakhan fish canning plant V. L. Timokhina at home in the kitchen, Timokhina's face, behind the scenes is her story about the graduation party in 1941, the beginning of the war, the beginning of work (synchronously).

Timokhina bakes a pie.

Timokhina takes the pie out of the oven.

Timokhina in the kitchen.

Portrait of Timokhina in her youth.

Timokhina says of the autoclave compartment of the plant, ongoing production and processes of sterilization of the labour collective of the Department, talks about his work at the works and career growth (synchronously).

Production processes in the autoclave Department and other workshops of the plant.

Type of part of the construction of an industrial enterprise.

People on the streets of Saratov on the eve of the holiday on November 7.

Engineer-geologist of the design Bureau of the production Association "Saratovneftegaz" B. ya.

Shornikov talks about the brightest moments of his life, the launch of the earth's satellite in 1957, the discovery of an oil and gas field beyond the Volga (synchronously).

Saddlers on the territory of an open field before installing a drilling rig.

Towing and installation of a drilling rig.

Drillers open the oil supply valve.

A jet of oil pours out of the pipe under pressure.

Burning of spilled oil.

Shornikov's Face.

Shornikov and his colleague congratulate each other on the start of the new field.

A girl chases pigeons on the Park path.

Shornikov talks about his small homeland in Belarus, calls himself the same age as October (synchronously).

Bathing a newborn baby.

Entry about the newborn in the maternity hospital log.

Lying there swaddled babies.

The nurse carries the newborn to the crib.

A baby sleeping in a crib, a view of the festive demonstration from the window of the maternity hospital.

Patients in the hospital watch a TV broadcast of the November 7 demonstration on red square in Moscow.

Fragments of the TV broadcast on the TV screen.

An honor guard of yunarmeytsev intrudes on the post.

The girl performs a guitar song in honor of November 7 (synchronously).

State flag of the USSR on the roof of the building.

Tatarintsev at work in the shop.

Timokhina talks to the workers of the Astrakhan fish canning plant.

Shornikov among colleagues at the newly launched field.

People's faces on the streets.




Tambov region
Astrakhan region
Saratov region



Russian cities and regions; Industry; Social life; Demonstrations; Health; Childhood and youth
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; Sectors of the economy; Society, social activities and community organizations