Volga lights 1992 № 8 I tell you frankly ...

Film-document №76569 1 part, Duration: 0:09:55, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:55

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Producer Nizhne-Volzhskaya newsreel studio

Director: M. Selivanova

Script writers: N. Zareckaya

Operators: Yu. Popov

Recordist: T. Burakova

Other authors: I. Sokolov


The issue is dedicated to the family of doctors Zakharov, who took on the education of young children.

Family | Childhood and youth

Social life

Reel №1

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Interior of the children's room, children sleep in cots.

Children's shoes in the lockers.

Zakharova milks a goat.

Zakharova feeds the children in the kitchen breakfast, in the corner of the kitchen is a goat.

Zakharova feeds the girl with a spoon.

The interior of the kitchen, the goat in the corner.

Zakharova talks about raising children in a family orphanage (synchronously).

Wedding photos of the Zakharovs.

Photos of the zakharov family children.

photo of the zakharovs with their children and parents.

Zakharova with a little girl in her arms.

Zakharova speaks of support from her children to take foster children (synchronously).

The older children of the Zakharovs at the table.

Photos of Zakharova and her children with foster children.

The clock on the wall.

The daily life of the kids in the Dom zakharovykh, Zakharova playing with the children sitting on the carpet.

Zakharova collects the kids, puts them on her lap.

The girl hits the piano keys.

Baby faces.

The paintings on the walls.

Dr. zakharov prepares For Surgery, puts on gloves.

zakharov performs a surgical operation.

Zakharova speaks of support from her husband (synchronously).

The Zakharovs play with their babies.

Zakharov takes the goat out of the entrance on a leash, walks with it along the sidewalk.

The interior of one of the rooms in the Zakharov house, the older daughters do their homework.

Zakharov helps one of his daughters do her homework.

Zakharova gives a massage to one of the girls.

The girl's smiling face.

One of the girls is playing with a goat.

The elder daughter of the Zakharovs and her grandmother feed the babies with a spoon.

children's faces.

Zakharov at his desk.

Zakharova sews on a sewing machine.

Children's toys on the shelves.

Bottles of milk on the table.

The Zakharovs ' eldest daughter is sitting at the kitchen table.




Saratov region



Social life; Education; Medicine