Ice And Fantasy. (1975)
A film about the champions in figure skating I. Pakhomova and A. Gorshkov.Historical background
The film tells of a serious, hard work, the creative search Honored Master of Sports, five times world champions in figure skating Pakhomova L. and Gorshkova.Reel №1
Speech LA Pakhomov, and A. Gorshkov - LS.
LA Pakhomov, and A. Gorshkov by the sea.
Workout LA Pakhomov, and A. Gorshkov on ice in the gym, working out a new dance
"Blues" at home coach Elena Tchaikovsky (partially synchronous).
LA Pakhomov in training with pupils E. Tchaikovsky Lena Skorohodova and N. Linichuk - different.
Training and H. G. Karponosov Linichuk supervised E. Tchaikovsky.
Reel №2
LA Pakhomov, and A. Gorshkov walk in the park, pass on the street.
Workout LA Pakhomov, and A. Gorshkov under the direction of E. Tchaikovsky.
Interview LA Pakhomov (synchronous) - CU.
Speech competitions - LS., MS. (Rapid).