Lower Povolzhie 1976 № 2
- Parts
- 1
Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:21
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Issue devoted to various aspects of life in the Saratov region and the premiere at the Kalmyk state drama theatre.Reel №1
1. Towards the 25 Congress of the CPSU.
View of one of the shops of the Engels plant of automotive spark plugs.
The work of the automated line production process.
Packaging of finished products, those workers.
Automated manufacturing process the manufacture of insulators for spark.
Fabricated insulators on the conveyor belt.
Quality control of finished products.
Behalf of the controller of OTC.
Factory workers watching the work of automatic machines.
Finished products plant.
2. Thirty years later.
Winter landscapes.
The old single-storey building of the Engels children's home.
Meeting of graduates of the orphanage thirty years later.
Head of the Engels children's home N.And.
Shishlov meets his former pupils, hugging them.
Former foster children among caregivers.
One of the graduates said about the difficult conditions of the postwar period, when they got to the orphanage (synchronously).
A woman with tears in her eyes thanked the teachers, talks about the role shishlova in her life (synchronously), Shishlov calms her down.
One of the former pupils talks about his childhood, life in an orphanage in Engels, on the job teacher, voiced his gratitude personally Shishlova (synchronously), displays childhood pictures of the former children's home.
The participants consider their baby pictures in albums.
Group photo at the orphanage thirty years ago now.
3. Inspector Butkov.
Inspector of criminal investigation Department Butkov sits in a patrol car.
A sign at the entrance to the city hospital in Saratov.
Police officers at the bedside of the victim.
Butkov draws a plan of the crime scene.
Butkov talking with the clerk of the store.
Face Butkova.
Butkov during the examination, samples of fingerprints of suspects.
Butkov interrogating the witness, the detainees sitting on the couch.
Butkov talking on the phone.
A crumpled cigarette butt in the ashtray, marked the arrest of a suspect on the flip calendar.
The police officer locks the door of the detention cells.
Butkov interrogating the suspect, the suspect.
The documents and the gun on the desktop Butkova, Butkov removes the gun in the safe, sits at the table.
View of the building of the police Department of the Frunze district of Saratov.
4. The anniversary season.
Pictures of scenes from the performances of Kalmyk state drama theatre.
The actress Barikova says about the upcoming premiere at the theater, the Director of the play, its main character, the plot of the play (synchronously).
Barikova on stage in the role of the protagonist.
Fragments of the play the audience faces.
The audience applauded.
Actors come to bow after the performance.
Saratov region
Republic of Kalmykia
WinterIndustry; Education; Anniversaries; Crime and Accidents; Theater Sectors of the economy; Social life; Culture and Arts