Volga lights 1984 № 15

Film-document №77547 1 part, Duration: 0:09:58, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:59

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Producer Nizhne-Volzhskaya newsreel studio

Director: M. Ivanova, D. Cherneckij

Operators: L. Denisov, O. Shelyugin

Text writers: D. Popova

Other authors: N. Katkova


The issue is dedicated to the Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the Astrakhan region, livestock specialist N. P, Peregudova and the work of the Saratov sourdoughdiaries center.

Russian cities and regions

Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Reel №1

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1. Nel P. Peregudova.

The view of the steppe, passing car.

The main livestock specialist of collective farm.

Kirova N. P. Peregudova in the front passenger seat, the car driving on the steppe.

Peregudova checks the grass cover of the steppe that survived the winter.

The deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in Astrakhan television Studio before transmission, among them Peregudova.

Peregudova collects samples of fodder grass in the desert, sees them.

The beginning of the broadcast in the Studio.

Peregudova in the Studio talking about the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the election of the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (synchronously).

Interior view of the Studio (above).

The car at the well.

Peregudova point at the shepherd inspects the sheep, talking to the shepherds.

The sheep in the pasture.

The shepherd leads the camel.

Peregudova tells about the qualities that should be possessed by people's deputies (synchronously).

Peregudova at the shepherd of the lambs examines the point.

Lambs in the paddock.

The camel's head.

Kind of the point of shepherd.

2. Sourdoughdiaries.

What is it?.

People on the streets of Saratov.

A group of deaf children on the walk with caregivers.

Children are explained between gestures.

Female doctor in front of a mirror.

A sign with the name Saratov sourdoughdiaries center.

The chief physician of the S. L. rudnicki discusses the diagnosis with one of the doctors.

Rudnicki speaks of the importance of the Center for the treatment of diseases of the ear, causes of their increase in recent times, on the conditions of achievement of effect in the treatment of such diseases, the introduction of new methods of treatment, about the Center and the number of cases over the past year, the achievements in the treatment of deafness (synchronously).

Examination of patients by physicians with special equipment.

The patient during the procedure in the chamber, the face of the patient and the doctor.

The operation, the faces of the doctors.

Patients during group classes therapeutic recreation, neurologist N. I. Pochinova conducts hypnosis.

The face of the doctor.

Conducting of laser therapy one of the patients.

Teacher of the deaf to conduct classes with children in the restoration of speech.

Parents with children in the waiting room of the doctor, the children's faces.




Astrakhan region
Saratov region



Agriculture; Medicine; Childhood and youth
Sectors of the economy; Science; Social life