Soviet Karelia 1968 № 4

Film-document №77739 1 part, Duration: 0:10:15 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:15

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Producer LSDF

Director: Yu.Torgaev

Operators: G.Bulatov, V.Selickij


1. About the meeting of technical school students with veterans. 2. About the work of the Onega tractor Plant. 3. A story about the village of Sheltozero, which is home to a small nation-Vepsy. 4. The plot of the artel "Zaonezhskaya embroidery". 5. About the passion of the architects of the design bureau "Kommunzhilproekt" - the reproduction in miniature of ancient churches and buildings. 5. About ice fishing competitions on Svyatozero.

Reel №1

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A river that broke open from the ice.

Bust of Lenin.

Lenin's speech at the Second Congress of the RSDLP (picture).

Editorial of the newspaper "Iskra".

Documents on the formation of the Karelian Labor Commune.

Meeting of students of Petrozavodsk technical School No. 1 with veterans.

P. M. Yershov-participant of the Winter Storm speaks to the audience.

G. S. Ivanov-a participant in the storming of nazi Berlin.

Hero of Socialist labor P. M. Chekhonin reports future Turner your tool.


Shop of the Onega Tractor Plant.

S. Paaso-a brave radio operator (photo from the museum).

D. Gorbachev -Secretary chistoserdova underground RK KP(b)(photo).

Stands with photos of modern village life.

Cover of V. Pimenov's book "Vepsy".

Meeting of Communists of the plant.

A thousandth tractor leaves the factory gates.

The excavator works.

General view of the city of Pitkyaranta.

Extraction of granite stone.

Karelian construction rubble on the conveyor.

Operation control panel.


Exhibits of the local history museum: bast shoes , birch bark tuesques.

Ancient icons.

Faces of children looking at the museum's exhibits.

Panorama of the museum's exposition.

One of the organizers of the village museum gas-electric welder R. P. Lonin says.

Old photos of the village.

A photograph of a young R.Lonina.

Photo of Hero of the Soviet Union A. Lisitsin.

Brave radio operator S. Paaso.

D. Gorbachev-former secretary of the underground regional party committee (photo).

Stands with photos of modern village life.

Cover of V. Pimenov's book "Vepsy".


Snow-covered village in Zaonezhye.

Artel "Zaonezhskaya embroidery" - girls embroider on a typewriter.

Close-up: Machine embroidery.


Design bureau.

Discussion of the new project.

A man carves out of wood.

A man collects a mock-up of a church.

Ready-made models of temples.


Ice fishing competitions have been launched.

Winter fishing.

A man with a jig at the hole.

A man makes a hole.

The correspondent interviews one of the fishermen.

All fishermen have numbers on their chests.

A woman at the hole with a fishing rod.


The weighing of the catch.

Awarding of winners.


Republic of Karelia



Youth; Veterans; Industry; Ethnography; Folk Art; Sport
Social life; Sectors of the economy; Geography and Nature; National culture; Culture and Arts