At the XXV CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) Congress. The Welfare of the People is the Su. (1976)
The issue is devoted to the opening of the All-Union Board of Fame at the Exhibition of Economic Achievements, summing up of the IX Five-Year Plan and the tasks of the X one.Temporary description
Inauguration of the All-Union Hall of Fame at VDNH. Meeting. Kirilenko cuts the ribbon. Work 25 Congress of the CPSU. The report "The main directions of development of the national economy in 1976-1980, the city" stands Kosygin.Reel №1
The building of the Grand Kremlin Palace (with flag) - MS., Departure.
The slogan on the building «XXV Congress of the CPSU - powered work» - MS.
Moscow - LS. (With a / t).
Flags on the street - MS., PNRM.
Grand opening of the board of honor at the All-Union Exhibition of Economic Achievements (29/II) - stand and applaud the protesters - LS.
On the podium comrades Grishin, Kirilenko Solomentsev, duty, Fists.
AP Kirilenko stands and cuts the ribbon - MS.
Are members of the government and other participants in the meeting - LS., CU.
Union Hall of Fame, the names of the best teams on the board - MS., LS., PNRM.
The slogan on the building: "Oznamenuem XXV Congress of the CPSU new labor successes» - MS., Departure.
Hall of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses - LS ..
Delegates applaud XXV Congress of the CPSU - LS., MS.
The report "The main directions of development of the national economy of the USSR in 1976-1980", Chairperson of the Council of Ministers of the USSR AN Kosygin (synchronously).
Various plans listening delegates.