The Chronicle Of Revolution.. (1976)

Film-document №7904 3 parts, Duration: 0:30:18, Black-white to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:39

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Bobrov G.

Script writers: Viktorov V.

Anouncers: Khlebnikov A.


About the events of February -October 1917.

The revolutionary events of 1917


Reel №1

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Smoke smokestacks, the workers at the rally - different plans.

The people on the street (top), tram rides - a common, average plans.

VI Lenin talks - close-up.

Demonstrators held with slogans, the people parses newspaper; laughing people - medium, large plans.

Passing car - the average plan.

Knock off a building with a sign depicting the royal coat of arms - a common, average plans.

Political prisoners out of jail - the average plan.

The funeral of the victims of the February Revolution in Petrograd (the people saying goodbye to the dead, a woman crying) - different plans.

The facades of buildings shelled - panorama.

Demonstration, passing horsemen, are soldiers, changing of the guard (near the site of the police); cheering soldiers, at the meeting are the different speakers - different plans.

The meeting of the Provisional Government - the general plan.

Boatmen, peasants mowing, the women in the field at harvest, and the child in the cradle, the peasants have crooked house, the workers in the mine, steel plant in the shop, porters bring logs - different plans.

The shop of a military factory, ships in the sea, are the Russian forces - a common, average plans.

The explosion, the soldiers in the trenches, are injured, along the trenches is priest bless the lady soldiers officer gives award soldier - different plans.

Parade on Red Square - a common, average plans.

On the ship's officers dancing with women - the average plan.

Working on the street, at their machines working women, destroyed houses, crying baby - different plans.

Rally scattered leaflets works teletype, telegraph, printing press - different plans.

Photo: V. Lenin, the soldiers, members of the revolution - the average, close-up.

The interim government - the average plan.

City in Switzerland (roofs, clock tower, street) - different plans.

Reel №2

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Photos: V. Lenin, VI Lenin on the streets of Stockholm, and the men at the table writing, peasants, soldiers, and the people's militia, the soldiers dug in reading the leaflet, dead people, and women - medium, large plans.

Animation: manuscript VI Lenin ("April Theses", etc.) - close-up.

Newsreel 1917:

Train rides, scenery (from the train), a large cemetery, the children in the ruins of the house - different panorama.

Russian soldiers pass - the average plan.

Flaming airplane, sinking ship, the sailors on board the jump in the sea - the average plan.

Street of Moscow - the average plan.

The farmer plowing in the field, working in the shop of metallurgical plant - total, average plans.

The people at the meetings are the different speakers, demonstration, are members of the bourgeois government - different plans.

The people on the Exchange; hands hold the projectile; ship, tank, drop bombs, explosions - different plan.

The street passing Cossacks are military units - panorama.

People subscribe to a state loan - the overall plan.

Representatives of Russia's allies pass - a common, average plans.

Soldiers shake Kerensky - the average plan.

War: the machine gun, the soldiers in the trenches - the average plan.

Demonstration in June 1917 (Petrograd), the officers at the flag, standing armies - panorama.

Acceleration July demonstration (above) - an outline.

The destroyed building: Soldiers in train carriages, the prison; hour on the tower - medium, large plans.

Reel №3

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The house, the room where he lived VI Lenin in 1917 (a spill); landscape - a common, average plans.

Photo: Lenin in a tent in the spill; workers; barricades in the streets - medium, large plans.

Newsreel 1917:

An iconic members of the State Conference, convened by the interim government, go up the stairs, is General Kornilov - medium, large plans.

The Kremlin, the people on the street - the overall plan.

Smoke smokestacks, are working, a speaker at the rally, demonstration - a common, big plans.

A soldier throws a grenade, destroyed building, the German soldiers on horseback, ships at sea, armored cars, train rides - different plans.

Workers disassemble the rifle, the workers on the trucks, the soldiers sit in cars, workers dismantled railway - different plans.

Soldiers shake Kerensky - the average plan.

Fraternising soldiers at the front - different plans.

Soldiers ride on the roof of the train - a common, average plans.

The people on the street, the women waiting in line for food - the average plan.

VI Lenin - the average plan.

Soldiers at the Smolny Institute, are sailors, passing armored vehicles - different plans.

Joyous people - the average plan.

Fires cruiser "Aurora", taking the Winter Palace - a common, average plans.

The Kremlin, Moscow - a common, average plans (shot from above).

Kalinin Avenue - the general plan (shot from above).

Construction, chemical plant, automobile factory assembly line, harvest, blast-off - a common, average plans.

Builder, miner - close-up.

People on the streets of the city - medium, large plans.

Builders welcome the train (BAM) - the general plan.

Paintings depicting VI Lenin - medium, large plans.