At the XVI Congress of the USSR Trade Unions. "Under the October Revolution Banner" (Special Issue#4. (1977)

Film-document №8036 1 part, Duration: 0:09:55, Black-white to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:48

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Makhnach L.

Text writers: Pumpyanskiy A.


A report on the XVI Congress of the USSR Trade Unions, taking place in Moscow.

Professional associations (unions)

Professions | Social life

Temporary description

Work the 26 th Congress of Trade Unions of the USSR in the Kremlin. Congress delegates talk on the sidelines. Conclusion of the Congress.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Red Square - LS. with a / t, impact, departure.

Delegates XVI Congress of Trade Unions through the territory of the Kremlin - MS., PNRM.

Kremlin Palace of Congresses, the poster in front of "Hello the XVI Congress of Trade Unions of the USSR!» - LS., CU.

Writer G. Markov, a television announcer Valentine Leontiev, actress E. Gogoleva other delegates on the sidelines of the congress - different.

The delegates in the hall applauded - MS., LS.

Chairperson of the All AI Shibaev (synchronously).

Voting Bureau and Hall.

International visitors to lobby Congress - different.

The final session of the Congress.

The presidium took place LI Brezhnev, YV Andropov, AA Gromyko, AP Kirilenko, FD Kulakov, DF Ustinov, PN Demichev, BN Ponomarev, MS Solomentsev, IV Kapitonov, VI Long, KF Katushev, MV Zimyanin, KU Chernenko, JP Ryabov.

Delegates stood applauding.

Welcome letter to the General Secretary of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev reads the Hero of Socialist Labor, steelworker factory "Electrostal" VD Postnikov (synchronously).

The congress delegates standing singing the "Internationale" (synchronously), shouting, applauding - different.