Weightlifting. The Olympic Games -80.. (1981)

Film-document №8496 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:00 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:49

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Grigorev I.

Script writers: Kolesnikov A.

Operators: Kuznecov I., Petrosov R.

Anouncers: Kolychev U.


The technical film "Liftweighting" shows the Olympic tournament of weightlifters in Moscow at the Olympic Games - 80.

Olympics 80


Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

"The Priestess" lights the torch of Olympic-80 - the average plan view of the hand, holding a torch.

Sportswoman, then an athlete running with the torch of the Olympic flame - an outline, panorama Stadium.

VI Lenin in Moscow.

The Olympic village - the average plan view.

Dining at the Olympic village - close-up view of a display of fruit.

Athletes in the dining room - a big plan.

Sportsman lights the Olympic flame at the opening of the Olympic Games at Stadium.

VI Lenin in Moscow - the general plan.

Sportsmen released doves into the sky, the panorama of the Olympic flag.

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, the men have a bowl, leaves the chariot - the average, close up, pan.

Misha - close-up, departure.

Sports Palace in Izmailovo - a general plan, departure.

Hall of the Palace of Sports in the arena for competition - the general plan.

Hall for training athletes - the average plan.

The judges went into the inner courtyard, sitting near the fountain - the general plan.

The President of the International Olympic Committee, Lord Killanin MI - average plan.

Juan Antonio Samaranch (replaced after the Olympics, Lord Killanin) - the average plan.

Gottfried Chedli - President of the International Weightlifting Federation (Austria) - close-up.

A panel of judges - close-up.

Photographers and cameramen television companies - general, large plans.

Gottfried Chadli and his son - the average plan.

G. Chedli with the trial chamber - an outline.

G. Chedli congratulated on his birthday, give him the Moscow souvenirs - large, medium plans.

The draw athletes - an athlete pulls out room of his speech - a big plan.

Athletes before performance weighed on the remote control - large, medium plans.

Athletes competitors - total, average plans.

On the platform Soviet athlete Alekseev - close-up.

Speaker J. Rigert - average plan.

Failed performances of several athletes - large, medium plans.

Athletes ready for action - large, medium plans.

Some athletes who take the bar, and then falling - large, medium plans.

The athlete crying - close-up.

The athlete beats his fist on the bar - the average plan.

The athlete throws the bar - the average plan.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Coaches monitor performance athletes - large, medium plans.

Athletes train in the hall - large, medium plans.

Masseur wipe with a towel athlete, massages his leg - a common, big plans.

The bar - a big plan.

Launch of Sportsmen h coaches - the average plan.

Athletes, one after another raise the bar - large, medium plans.

Sportsmen hold rod - large, medium plans.

Athletes thrown rod - large, medium plans.

Applauding audience - different plans.

Coach hugs an athlete - an outline.

The athlete lifts the bar, kissing a coach.

Olympic medal - a big plan.

Fireworks - an outline ..

Olympic Stadium with a burning fire - total, average plans.

Closing ceremonies, weeps Misha - close-up, panorama of colorful balloons on Misha.

In the air rises Misha - an outline.

Moscow - an overall plan view (shot from above) (some plans).

Moscow - an outline, a panorama of the Kremlin.,