It Is a Challenge to Be a Revolutionary.. (1982)

Film-document №8619 5 parts, Duration: 0:47:43 to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:31

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Bessarabov I.

Script writers: Yakovlev E.

Operators: Lovkov V.

Composers: Shostakovich D.

Anouncers: Kayurov U., Lazarev E.


About Lenin's activity during the preparation and realization of the Great October Revolution in spring-autumn of 1917.

Political figures | The revolutionary events of 1917

Biography | Policy | History

Temporary description

Lenin's activities during the preparation and conduct of the Great October Socialist Revolution. (The events of spring, summer and autumn of 1917)

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Leningrad, July, p.

Geneva, building on the waterfront, a departure from the spire of the Admiralty at the general appearance of the city.

Walk through the streets of Leningrad - MS., CU.

Goes the old sailor and his wife - CU.

Leningrad, St.

Isaac's Cathedral - LS. (Top)

Corridor University - LS.

House (house museum, st.

Lenin, 52) on Broad Street, which came Ulyanov - Krupskaya and Lenin - where Anna lived Ilinichna Ulyanov - MS., CU.

Apartment Anna Ilinichny - interior - LS., MS., CU.

The room in which his mother lived VI Lenin - Maria - LS. PNRM. the chair at the portrait of Maria Alexandrovna - MS.

Volkovo Cemetery - LS. PNRM. from the tops of the trees on the burial cross - CU.

PNRM. with reflections from the water to the Kazan Cathedral - CU.

Passers-by, a woman takes the child in the stroller - LS., MS.

Cruiser "Aurora» - LS.

Photographer; PNRM. with young people at an elderly woman sitting on a bench - CU.

Ice drift on Neva - LS., MS. PNRM.

Gulls on the ice - CU.

Red banner - CU.

B / w photo: cross on the grave of the mother of VI Lenin - CU.

Portrait of brother VI Lenin - Alexander - CU.

Last portrait of VI Lenin, filmed in exile, others portraits VI Lenin - CU.

B / w photo: Listen to the Tauride Palace at a meeting of Bolsheviks - PNRM. - LS.

From the stands Menshevik Menshevik etc. - CU.

Meeting Mensheviks - LS.

Poster "Down with Lenin and K ˚».

Soldiers with the slogan "war for freedom to the finish» - MS., CU.

Hit a banner - MS.

Newsreel 10's-20's.:

July 1920, the Congress of the Comintern in Petrograd - flags on the mast of the ship - CU.

Decorated boats - LS.

The Palace Square are members of Congress - MS.

Demonstrators held - LS., MS.

Go musicians - MS.

VI Lenin with a bouquet of flowers is among the people - CU.

VI stands Lenin - MS.

Soldiers are Smolny (survey 1917).

The chronicle of the fall of the Romanov dynasty - the soldiers knocked banners with royal coats of arms, salute soldiers jubilant people knock the lattice with the prison windows, out of prison inmates - MS.

Streets, crowded people-LS. (Top).

By car passing sailors with a banner - CU.

Make way for the people, the soldiers kept the banner - LS.

Prison corridor - LS.

Participants of the February revolution in the streets, dropped leaflets - LS.

Since the truck was filming the cameraman - MS.

The people at the rally - LS.

The members of the Provisional Government - PNRM., Various.


Explosions - LS., CU.

Military action - MS.

Pass wounded on crutches - MS.

Wounded - CU.

Flying aircraft, pilot, shoot guns, lying dead - CU.

One of the areas of Petrograd, tram rides - LS.

Mensheviks and SRs on the podium - VI Lenin (removed from the departure) - LS.

The people in the area - LS.

Counterrevolutionaries - MS.

On the streets crowded with people - LS.

Telegraph publishes a telegram: "mother, Broad, Petrograd.

We arrived Monday night.

Tell "truth".

Ulyanov »- CU.

NDP "will be our day» - CU.

Article in the newspaper about the arrival of V. Lenin - CU.

April Theses (text) - PNRM. - CU.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Leningrad - Kshesinskaia mansion, now a museum of the revolution - MS.

The main staircase to the second floor - different.

Museum halls - PNRM., LS.

Balcony that acted VI Lenin - CU.

The room in which Lenin worked - LS.

Pencil drawing - a portrait of Lenin, the soldier-artist Bering - CU.

According to the plant are working - LS.

Memorial plaque - CU.

Building, is a first-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies - LS.

The reflection of the sun in water (lake) - LS.

Maple Leafs - MS.

House in which he lived, VI Lenin in the suburbs - LS.

Grate the Moika - CU.

The building, which housed the newspaper "Pravda» - LS.

PNRM. Street Voinov (Shpalernaya) - LS.

The plate with the name of the street - CU.

Palace Square - PNRM., LS. (The top point).

Leningrad - LS. (The top point).

Nevsky Prospect - LS., PNRM.

Neva River - LS.

Sphinx - CU.

PNRM. the lantern on the bridge - MS.

Openwork lattice - CU.

Bridge on the River - CU.

Downturned lion sculpture - CU.

Square, shot from above - LS.

White nights in Leningrad - LS.

House where the working power, Bolshevik Alliluyev, hid Lenin - CU.

Room, where he was hiding Lenin - LS.


Watches - CU.

PNRM. from hours to inkstand - MS.

Excerpt from the newspaper - CU.

PNRM. with a mirror on the shelf with books - CU.

Check out the chandelier to the room - LS.

Mirror - CU.

Newsreel 1910.:

Devastation in Russia destroyed bridge;

1917 - The streets of Petrograd, filled with people;

1914 - The priest blesses the soldiers are soldiers, dropped leaflets, meeting in the yard of the plant, are working, playing sailor, demonstrators carry a slogan - LS.

In the crowd flying leaflets soldiers first machine-gun regiment, at the meeting are the workers, the soldiers - MS.

A woman holding a baby in her arms, the peasants go to the house, a baby crying, explosion, blast soldiers sleep - CU.


The unrest in the streets - LS.

Shoot cadets - LS.

Cadets pass by the mansion Kshesinskaia - LS.

Go cadets - MS.

Shpalernaya Street - LS.

B / w photo portraits of Bolshevik revolutionaries - CU.

workers at the rally - LS., CU.

On I-Russian Congress of Soviets - LS.

The shooting of demonstrators workers in July 1917, are dead, there are counter-revolutionaries - LS.

Mayhem at the mansion Kshesinskaia - LS.

Cadets in the truck - MS., CU.

Portrait of worker Voinov - CU.

Portrait of working Alliluyeva - CU.

Station - MS.

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Landscape suburb of Leningrad - MS. (From the car of a train)

Train wheels - CU.

The station "spill» - MS.

House where he lived VI Lenin "Razliv"; attic, where Lenin was hiding - LS.

On the table is a kerosene lamp - CU.

Haystack and tent - LS., MS.

Wigwam - CU.

A fire pit - CU.

Blue Notebook with records VI Lenin - CU.

Landscape with Lake - MS.

Check out the clearing where the tent - CU.

Autumn landscape.

The spill - LS.

The rain, the ducks in the swamp - MS.

Forest Road - MS. PNRM.

Details of the engine, where VI Lenin went to Finland.

Engine room at the Finland station number 293 - CU.

Running Rails - MS.

Railroad tracks - LS.


Helsingfors - a report on the city, people and vehicles on the streets - LS., MS.

Hagnesskaya town square - PNRM. the house in which he lived worker Bolshevik Rovio - LS., CU.

Stairwell, the apartment door - CU.

Apartment, where he settled VI Lenin - PNRM., LS.

Mail car - MS., CU. PNRM.

The table in the room, at which Lenin worked - MS.

Books on the table - CU.

Station in Helsingfors, sculpture on the station building - LS., MS.

Leningrad - PNRM. from St.

Isaac's Cathedral in the city - LS. (Top).

River embankment Karpovka house on the waterfront, apartment interior, where the sitting of the Central Committee on October 3 - LS.

B / w photo:

VI Lenin disguised workers Sestroretsk armory Konstantin Petrovich Ivanov.

Portrait Emelyanova - Sestroretsk factory worker - CU.

Shotman - VI delegate to Congress.

The building, which hosted the VI Party Congress - MS.

The Messenger of the Central Committee - Rahja - CU.

Machinist, Bolshevik - Jalava - CU.

Work was

Exactly - CU.

NK Krupskaya - CU.

Krupskaya in a headscarf - CU.

VI Lenin - CU.

The workers are at the rally - MS.

The defeat of the Kornilov revolt - LS.

Kornilov surrender arms - MS.

Soldiers at the flag - CU.

Preparation for insurrection soldiers - LS. MS.

Red Guard factory "Volcano» - CU.


The people crowded in front of the newspapers - LS. PNRM.

Ladies at a table in a cafe reading newspaper - MS.

People read newspapers - LS., MS.

Counter with exposed wigs - LS., CU. PNRM.

Kornilov revolt - moving troops - LS.

General Kornilov - MS.

Factory whistle, spinning wheel - CU.

Working out of the factory - MS., LS.

Rally - LS., MS.

Workers receive a rifle - MS.

Pass cars with soldiers - LS.

Different works of VI Lenin - MS., CU.

Protocols VI Party Congress, Manifesto - CU.

Article VI Lenin - CU.

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame


House-Museum at the Swamp Street, 13/17, which brought together 16 October enlarged meeting of the Central Committee - LS.

Staircase leading to the second floor - PNRM., MS.

The room where the meeting took place CC - LS., MS.

Museum office in Serdobolskaya st., 1.

The rain - MS.

Rain drops on glass - CU.

Apartment Fofanova - agronomist, Bolshevik - where his last held underground in Petrograd VI Lenin - in the Vyborg - LS.

PNRM. the table on the chandelier, table lamp - MS.

Petrograd - CU.

The bridges across the river, the streets, the white nights, sculptures, lighted lanterns - LS. (Night).

Lights, St.

Isaac's Cathedral, Anichkov Bridge - MS.

Over Leningrad is breaking - LS.

Corridor Smolny - LS., MS.

Working telegraph - CU.

Smolny ladder leading to the third floor - LS.

Sculpture on the Bank Bridge - filmed at night - MS. PNRM.

Baltic Station - MS.

The Central Telegraph - PNRM., MS.

Post Office - LS.

Building Nicholas Station - MS.

Cruiser "Aurora» - MS., CU.

Reduced the bridge over the river.

Neva - LS.

There is a train - LS.

Remote control at the central office, the station building - LS.

Palace Bridge - LS.

Telegraph works - LS., CU.

Sculpture of a warrior on the roof of the Winter Palace, a group of sculptures on the arch of the General Staff - CU.

Halls of the Winter Palace - Malachite, White Dining Room - LS., MS.

Bringing down the barrel of the gun - CU.

View of the Peter and Paul Fortress from the Winter Palace - LS.

The windows of the Winter Palace - CU.

Signaling searchlight "Aurora" - night. - MS.

Arch on Palace Square - LS.

Palace Square - LS. PNRM.

The gates of the Winter Palace - MS.

Directions to the Palace Square - LS. PNRM.

Opens the door entrance to the Winter Palace, PNRM. the stairs, pass through the dark corridors of the palace - LS., MS. (With motion simulation running man).

Mantle Clock - CU.

B / w photo:

Portraits VI Lenin, Kalinin, Skrypnyk, Schmidt, Krylenko - CU.

Portraits of the Bolsheviks, elected to lead the uprising: Bubnov, FE Dzerzhinsky, JM Sverdlov, IV Stalin Uritsky - CU.

Portrait Fofanova - CU.

Soldiers and sailors - CU.

NI Podvoisky, VA Antonov, Nevsky, Chudnovsky, Mekhonoshin - CU.

Soldiers at the controls on the telegraph telegraph.

Newsreel of the 10-20's.:

Soldiers come in Smolny, time - LS., MS.

Pass the detachments of armed men - LS.

AF Kerensky - CU.

Dumped a pile of newspapers, hand out paper people - LS., MS.

At the Winter Palace cadets build barricades - LS.

Peter and Paul Fortress, the time the gun - LS., CU.


Station in Helsingfors - MS.

Sign "Helsingfors» - CU.

There is a train-LS. (Night).

The sculpture on the station building - CU.

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Neva - LS.

Landscape - LS.

Smolny - PNRM., LS., MS.

Assembly Hall of the Smolny - LS.

Chandeliers - PNRM., MS., CU.

Text duties hour (handwriting Lenin) - CU.

Cabinet VI Lenin - LS., MS.

Table, where he worked as secretary Gorbunov - MS.

Typewriter - CU.

Lenin's manuscript on the table - PRN, CU.

PNRM. the map on the wall of the room - LS., CU.

People pass on the street, there is shift - LS., MS.

Pass people on the Nevsky Prospect - LS., MS.

B / w photo:

Soldiers at the Smolny Institute, rifles are heated by the fire, sitting on the pavement - LS., MS.

Workers, peasants, soldiers and sailors - portraits - CU.

Office hours at the VI Lenin in Smolny in 1917

On the door of number 67 - MS., CU.

Bonch-Gorbunov - CU.

Lenin worked - CU.

Farmers read the newspaper - CU.

Group shot of peasants - CU.: Group photo of soldiers - CU.

Soldiers watch - CU.

Newsreel of the 10-20's.:

Building after the storming of the Winter - LS.

An explosion at a train station, the building is lit - LS.

Armoured cars passing along the waterfront, the tram on the trailer carries the gun, the pilot looks at his watch, the militia, the men loaded the boxes, the soldiers are eating out of the pot goes to the factory shift, there is a band - MS.

NDP - "For us, most of the people» - CU.

The newspaper text of the decree on peace and on the ground - CU. PNRM.

The newspaper "The Worker and soldier» - CU.; "Pravda» - CU.

Lenin spoke - LS.

Lenin among the workers, smiling, in the hands holding a bouquet of flowers - MS., CU.

Movie №0