Leningrad chronicles 1971 № 2

Film-document №97280 1 part, Duration: 0:10:15 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:15

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Producer LSDF

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1. Prologue (film library).

Landscapes of Leningrad.

2. Kirov plant.

Rolling mill "350".

Railway platform with a tractor.

Historical photos ("Fordzon").

Assembly of tractors.

Testing of tractors.

3. State farm "Detskoselsky", summing up the results of 1970.

4. Report from the plant.


TVs of different generations.

5. The Electrosila plant, dedication to the working class.

6. The plot of the actress L. Chursina.

On the set of" Lenfilm": cameraman E. Shapiro, L. Chursina and A. Papanov.

Photo of L. Chursina in the cast. L. Chursina makes up before shooting. V. Dvorzhetsky in the frame.

7. The construction of the concert hall "October".

New year's concert in the concert hall.

8. The epilogue.

Landscapes of Leningrad.