Encyclopedia of astronauts.Romanenko Roman. (2014)

Film-document №99724 1 part, Duration: 0:04:57 to collection Price category V4
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Part 1 0:04:58

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Producer Studio Roscosmos

Other authors: Rozakova Marina, Kuckij Mihail, Shatilo Sergej, Trudova Nataljya, Pastuhov Sergej


A series of films about important pages of the life of Soviet and Russian cosmonauts. Roman Yuryevich Romanenko is the son of cosmonaut Yuri Romanenko. He made two space flights. After completing his work in cosmonautics, he engaged in socio-political activities.

Heroes of Space | Space | Conquest of Space


Reel №1

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Photos of Romanenko.

Aviation school, flights, aerobatics.

Romanenko talks about how he came to cosmonautics.

Romanenko goes down the ramp of the plane.

The military shake hands.

Astronauts get on the bus.

Baikonur, Soyuz TMA-15 launch.

Romanenko on the ISS (conducts research, plucks plants grown in space, communicates with colleagues).

Romanenko talks about weightlessness.

Landing of the lander.

Astronauts get on the bus.

The crew of Soyuz TMA-07M before the flight (Romanenko, Mashburn, Hadfield).

Astronauts on the ISS.

The combined crew, negotiations with the MCC.

Work in outer space.

The day of landing, Romanenko is carried along with the chair.

People turn the lander over.

Romanenko is resting in an armchair.

Shooting and photographs of different years (Romanenko with colleagues, at meetings, with President Medvedev, etc.).


Romanenko R.Yu. - pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation, public and political figure.
T.G. Marshburn is an American doctor, cosmonaut, NASA astronaut.
Hadfield K.O. is a Canadian test pilot, astronaut of the Canadian Space Agency.
Vinogradov P.V. - test cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation.
Cassidy K.D. is an American test pilot, NASA astronaut.
Novitsky O.V. -- pilot-cosmonaut, test cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation.


2009 2012 2013

