Films catalog
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Year of production from 1980 till 1999
By types: Documentaries | Feature films | Scientific films | Educationals
African Hunting.. (1988)
Documentary, 5 parts, Duration: 0:42:09
L 4/6/2023Фильм о представителе русской культуры «серебряного века», поэте Николае Степановиче Гумилеве, о трагическом исходе жизни Гумилева, драматической судьбе связанных с ним людей.
Biography | Culture and Arts | Literati | Persons of arts | Literature
Recollection of Yulia Vrevskaya.. (1989)
Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:00
L 4/6/2023The film is dedicated to Baroness Julia Vrevskaya died in Bulgaria during the Russo-Turkish war in 1878.
In the film resurrected the image of the amazing Russian woman, who became a national hero of Bulgaria.
For the 125th anniversary of the International red cross.
The pictures in the medallions of General Wreckage and Julia.
The engraving of St.
Petersburg, the last ball of the sisters of mercy, Yulia Vrevskaya in clothes sisters of mercy, the Russian troops in Bulgaria, the carts with the wounded, the field hospital.
Photos By I. S. Turgenev, Yulia Vrevskaya.
The grave of Yulia Vrevskaya in Bulgaria.
Fourth Dream Akhmatova.. (1988)
Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:53
L 4/6/2023Once in one of the Leningrad Newspapers received a letter, which contained a plan of complete Communist transformation of the world in the spirit of utopia Chernyshevsky.
Its author is a country doctor Anna Andreevna Avseeva.
Date of birth - December 30, 1922 - the day of formation of the USSR. This woman went through the front, for the assassination of officers were sent to labor camps, where she saw a model of heaven on earth.
Her idols, Chernyshevsky, Goethe, Rasul Gamzatov and Saint Nicholas.
In the dream, comes to her Lenin, and their relationship is more than friendly.
Her madness - her world is logical and slender, but, unfortunately, has no relation to reality.
She is the only person who helps the sick in this little village.
Area.. (1990)
Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:10
L 4/6/2023Area as microarrys the world with many of his troubles, joys, problems.
Vladimirskaya square in St.
Mowing.. (1997)
Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:03
L 4/6/2023A sketch of the past an important period of peasant life and spirituality of work.folk songs, prayers, the sounds of nature.
Rostov.. (1984)
Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:31
L 4/6/2023The most significant ensembles in Rostov, created in the 16th-17th
Russian craftsmen.
Presents paintings and sculptures.
Needle.. (1988)
Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:53
L 4/6/2023The film tells about the problems of drug and alcohol abuse among young people in the city of Leningrad.
Drug addicts and alcoholics undergoing treatment in a psychiatric hospital Number 5; in one of the medical labor dispensaries; serve their sentence in a prison; talk about their lives (sinhr.).
Maria.. (1988)
Documentary, 4 parts, Duration: 0:39:29
L 4/6/2023A film about the life and work of MS Voinov, village women Vedenin Uren area Gorky region.
Rural views: linen in the river, home.
Village winter.
Evening and sunset.
MS Voynova at home, working on a tractor in a field, in a meeting, visits the grave of his son in the village cemetery.
Women work in the field: knit bundles, ted hay, lunch at the field camp.
Boy riding a horse, bathes him.
Car and motorcycle riding the field.
Gen. villagers: sit on the bench at home, swimming in the river.
Tourism MS Voynova in Sochi, on the beach near the sea.
Interior view of a suburban electric.
Residents of the village, including her husband and daughter watching MS Voynova film, shot on MS Voynova village hall in the House of Culture.
Photos funeral MS Voinov.
Farmers. (1987)
Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:00
L 4/6/2023The film tells about a family of farmers Bashmakov, who took on a family contract in one of the villages of the Non-Chernozem region.
All is not lost. ("Global pressure - II"). (1988)
Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 1:00:03
L 4/6/2023About the originality of national cultures, representing different continents, their problems are well-known people from different countries of the world: the writer G. Marquez, a Japanese musician, Asuci Akutagawa, the Mexican artist Alberto Beltran, Indian actor Shashi Kapoor and many others.
National culture | Culture and Arts | Persons of arts | Biography