Newsreels Soviet Karelia

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Soviet Karelia 1962 № 2

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:55 to collection G 6/16/2014

Shop Onega Tractor Plant.

On the boring machine works MI Titov.

PI Udaltsov hands MI Titov evidence drummer communist labor.

Noble beet growers L. Blinkova conducts classes with high school students sat Upper Olonets member of student brigades beet growers.

Mechanized processes of loading and unloading operations in Shuya-Vidanskom lespromhoz.

Skiing outfit border goes through the woods, one of the guards said by telephone to the duty on the outpost.

Construction of border guards at the outpost, the adoption of the military oath.


Soviet Karelia 1959 № 3

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:12 to collection G 6/16/2014



Voters to vote at polling stations on election day to the Supreme Soviet of the Karelian ASSR and the local Soviets.

Production processes in plants Medvezhiegorsk sawmill.

Greenhouse farm named Zaitsev.

Care of seedlings.

Collection of green onions.


Soviet Karelia 1960 № 4

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:11 to collection G 6/16/2014


Lecture "Lenin in October" in the House of Political Education, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Lenin's birth.

Newsreel about the history of the establishment of Soviet power in the Republic of Karelia and the creation of industrial enterprises.

A group of soldiers of the Alexander squad food plant.

Group commanders of partisan and Red Army troops.

Olonetsky revolutionary provincial executive committee.

Photos of the Bolshevik organization of the Alexander factory; Congress workers' representatives Karelia (photo).


Soviet Karelia 1959 № 9

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:07 to collection G 6/16/2014

Meeting participants at the Leningrad station Decade Karelian Art in Moscow.

Rally on the forecourt.

Speakers: Minister of Culture of the RSFSR Popov, actor C. Samples.

Concert Karelian actors; performance of the ensemble "Kantele"; fragment from the ballet "Sampo".

Harvesting of rye in the Kalinin collective farm Olonets Karelian ASSR.

Machine-Olonetsk RTS peateries, the work of harvesting peat for farms.

Delivery by car on peat fields farm "Zarya".


Soviet Karelia 1960 № 7

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:15 to collection G 6/15/2014

A source of inspiration; At the most distant islands; Heritage grandfather Philemon; Saga of stone.

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